Example sentences of "at [art] university " in BNC.

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1 Bruce Doblin , a doctor at the University of California , said he was stunned by his bill from the Academy Hotel in Gower Street , London .
2 The Festival 's tribute to the work , teaching and writing of Raymond Williams will this year feature Alan Fountain who has been invited by the Festival and the Department of Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham to give a special talk in his memory .
3 Research at the University of New Hampshire in the United States shows that the single most effective method of controlling apple scab is to collect and burn all fallen leaves from infected trees in autumn .
4 Even the research listed by the ‘ independent ’ Police Foundation or undertaken at the University Centres for Criminological Research ( and largely dependent on government grants and funding by such bodies as the Economic and Social Research Council ) often comes up against the anti — intellectual bias which permeates all levels in police thinking ( Lewis 1976 ) .
5 I was then asked : ‘ what 's the difference between a law course at polytechnic and at the university ? ’
6 They were colleagues at the university .
7 A resource pack has been produced by the School for Advanced Urban Studies at the University of Bristol .
8 The Centre for Health Economics at the University of York has published a discussion paper on District Health Authority assessment of local populations ' need for health services , and of priority setting .
9 A paper recently published by Jacek Baranowski et al working at the University of California , Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory ( Phys Rev Lett , Vol 66 no 23 ) describes a new form of gallium arsenide that will superconduct at a temperature of 10K .
10 American scientist working for the Astrophysics Institute at the University of Colorado in Boulder have created the lowest temperature ever recorded — one millionth of a degree above absolute zero .
11 How that life was saved live can now know , thanks to Catherine Seelye who has put the story together , mostly out of Olson 's posthumous papers at the University of Connecticut .
12 Pound had known Phyllis Bottome between 1905 and 1907 , when they were fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania , and it 's not clear whether it is that early association , or a period later when she had caught up with him in London , that Phyllis Bottome had in mind when she wrote of how Pound tried to transform her as a writer from a talented amateur into a professional :
13 In 1983 , CRL helped to set up a test facility at the University of Cali in Colombia .
14 Bernard Ulrich and colleagues at the University of Gottingen had proposed that deposition of sulphur and nitrogen compounds ( originating from industrial activity and power generation ) led to the release of aluminium from minerals in the soil .
15 Dr Eamon Duffy is fellow and tutor of Magdalene College , Cambridge , and a lecturer in divinity at the university .
16 Students at the University of Hong Kong announced that they would be organising groups in which students could be ‘ educated in concepts of democracy and freedom ’ .
17 The Princess Royal this afternoon attended the Annual General Meeting and Conference of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux at the University of York and was received on arrival by Major-General H. Woods ( Vice-Lord-Lieutenant of Yorkshire ) .
18 Several transplants have been tried before , but this is the first time they have continued to function for a long period , according to the researchers at the University of Alberta , in Edmonton .
19 After a distinguished student career at Emmanuel College , Cambridge , he went on to study at the University of Paris under Suzanne Bastid .
20 The largest of its Computing Surface machines is at the University of Edinburgh .
21 Dr Bishop , 53 , and Dr Varmus , 49 , work at the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco , at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology .
22 Meanwhile , France 's Minister for Research and Technology urged the two US winners of the Nobel Medicine Prize to honour Dominique Stehelin , a Frenchman who took part in the award-winning cancer research at the University of California in the 1970s .
23 Born in Los Angeles in 1940 , she majored in journalism and Spanish studies at the University of Southern California .
24 In the 1970s , at the University of Washington in Seattle , he succeeded in isolating a single electron and holding it in his trap for nearly 10 months before losing it .
25 But then Beck majored in journalism at the University of Georgia .
26 In the United States there is an extensive research programme on neighbourhood policing based at the University of Michigan , and considerable interest is shown by the federal and central governments .
27 He was sent to study at the University of Cambridge .
28 He wondered afterwards whether his unlooked-for success in the examination caused him to read the wrong subject at the university .
29 Ramsey arrived at the university in October 1923 .
30 He kept fit at the university by playing a little hockey , in summer tennis , in winter walking and bicycling and going for runs .
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