Example sentences of "at [art] entrance " in BNC.

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1 After all , since our last meeting , if one can call it a meeting , at the entrance to the sweet little National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh , all those years ago , you have cut yourself off from your friends and well-wishers .
2 She went over to the Cookery and Refreshments Tent , but was stopped at the entrance by a pale-faced Constable Perkins .
3 The man had come up to her at the entrance to the library where she worked and just asked her .
4 It had been derailed at the entrance while approaching at speed with a sleeper service from Penzance ; miraculously there were no serious injuries , though much of the track at the station throat had to be relaid .
5 Today it was closed but the delightfully cold ice-cream from the small shop at the entrance went down a treat .
6 Not surprisingly the choice of ‘ Great Views ’ is a very personal one and many favourites are missing , including my own cherished ones of the Cuillins from Elgol or the summit of Sgurr na Stri at the entrance to Loch Coruisk , or Rannoch Moor seen from Buachaille Etive Mor at the head of Glen Coe .
7 And Richard North looks at current provisions for the destruction of PCBs , and at the history of British involvement in a rather uncomfortable growth industry The security guard at the entrance to one of Britain 's mightiest hazardous waste disposal plants pressed a button and the gate opened .
8 At the entrance to the village and immediately on the right-hand side was a large house with a high wall round it .
9 At the entrance to the driveway were large iron gates .
10 He placed the Bren on the turf at the entrance to the orchard from the village road .
11 Brigade H.Q was just at the entrance to the village with everyone within walking distance of each other .
12 At the entrance to the grounds of the Chateau I could see a few Commandos .
13 They both soon scattered when a mortar bomb burst at the entrance to the orchard , sending shrapnel whistling through the trees and thudding into the walls of the little cottage just a few yards away .
14 As I clambered out of the trench and made my way across to Brigade H.Q I could see the jeep with the stretchers on top waiting at the entrance to the orchard .
15 The dead and bloated cow was still lying at the entrance to the field .
16 The cows were standing at the entrance to a small byre , while the farmer poured a purple fluid from a bucket into their wounds .
17 I left Taff at the entrance to the farm and watched him as he continued along the road then , as he clambered up the grass bank and disappeared among the trees , I turned into the farm .
18 Later in the day a notice was hammered to a tree at the entrance to the orchard .
19 ‘ Two minutes , no more , Piper , he remarked from his comfortable armchair at the entrance to the latrine .
20 A sternfaced Sergeant meets me at the entrance to the big house .
21 As we swung past the farm , the farmer , no doubt attracted by the sound of bagpipes , was standing at the entrance to his farm , a bewildered look on his face .
22 I thought I detected a knowing smile on the face of the Scouse as he ignored his critics , the flies , the mosquitoes , the smells , and settled into his armchair at the entrance to the latrine .
23 From my position at the entrance to the dug-out I could see the wounded in the sunken road in the same positions they were in before the shelling started .
24 As I squatted on the grass at the entrance to the trench , the stillness of the evening was shattered by the most awesome sound .
25 An Officer is standing at the entrance and directing the units to certain parts of the farm ; he has a strong Scottish accent .
26 It was a long trip , not helped by a tyre that cried ‘ enough ! ’ in the middle of nowhere and required changing — a job made more difficult by the fact that Odd-Knut had no spare — but ultimately we arrived at the entrance to Rostadalen .
27 Captain Piervittorio Stefanoni , the Italian Force Veterinary Officer , arrives at the entrance to the Command Post .
28 They reached the big white gate at the entrance to Mrs Hollidaye 's driveway .
29 The estate had a huge wall around it , with a sign saying ‘ PRIVATE ’ at the entrance .
30 Marie hesitated at the entrance .
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