Example sentences of "at [art] height " in BNC.

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1 Certainly in the class-room those from two feet to two feet only go straight up and down in all changements , soubresauts and entrechats with both legs fully extended at the height of the jump .
2 But such jumps can also travel some way forwards , backwards or sideways and can become sparklingly light when the knees are sharply bent upwards at the height of the jump .
3 Something like this event was once staged at the Alhambra in the famous ballet Soldiers of the Queen at the height of the Boer War ( 1900 ) .
4 The Campaign now has more paid-up members than it did at the height of the 1970s real ale revival .
5 For most Arabs , the original betrayal occurred at the height of the First World War , when the allied powers made conflicting promises to each other , as well as to the Jews and Arabs .
6 Last month , at the height of terrorist violence in Colombia , he also floated a ‘ compromise ’ plan between the US and the cartel leaders , under which the drug lords would stand trial in the US , but return to Colombia to serve their sentences .
7 He played in 20 Test matches and his post-war service to Yorkshire included three years as Club president , a position he vacated sadly when he found his calls for moderation went unheeded at the height of the Boycott controversy .
8 WE HAVE become used to seeing Thomas Keneally centre his novels on well-researched historical events , from the charge of Joan of Arc ( in the extraordinary Blood Red , Sister Rose of 1974 ) through the convict settlement of Australia , the American civil war and the negotiations that ended World War I to his Booker Prize-winner , Schindler 's Ark , set in Poland at the height of the holocaust , an unforgettable and moving book .
9 WHEN the Indian princes were at the height of their outrageous fortune , the Maharajah of Bharatpur had 24 Rolls-Royces in his garage .
10 Arriving in East Berlin at the height of the country 's most serious political crisis for more than three decades , Mr Gorbachev had earlier in the day , in a brief encounter with enthusiastic East Berliners , spoken of the need ‘ not to panic — that 's the most important thing ’ .
11 A painter whose pictures record the atrocities of the past , he acts as his uncle 's conscience and it is partly due to him that Singer — at the height of his spivvy , flashy success - throws himself into a Hampstead pond .
12 Finally , at 58 Mr Gorbachev is still at the height of his powers .
13 Even at the height of NEP prosperity in 1926 , considerable resistance to central patterns and instructions was to linger on the further one got away from Moscow down through all the provincial levels , but in 1922 strong fears of such resistance provoked a siege psychology among those party officials located nearest to the grass roots .
14 Yet at the height of the Tambov revolt in 1921 only three south-eastern uezdy of the twelve comprising the guberniia were engulfed by disturbances .
15 Those peasants who continued to own draught animals had lent them to relief organizations at the height of the Famine , but by the spring of 1922 they refused to do this any longer , since they now found many profitable uses for them .
16 It has been estimated that in a narrow clinical sense the Famine probably accounted for under 15 per cent of the extra mortality recorded at the height of the disaster in Saratov in 1921–2 : but in a broader sense , including deaths due to severe malnutrition and other causes , the Famine contributed to most of the rise in mortality that took place before the 1922 harvest .
17 Plenary sessions were held once a month only , even at the height of the Famine , and merely ratified previous decisions of the two-man presidium .
18 The general election of 1945 was in some ways only a consequential recognition of the revolution which took place under , and inside , the Coalition Government at the height of World War II , and was announced to the outside world by a cloud of White Papers — on planning , social insurance , employment , a national health service — much as the election of a new Pope is first evinced by the smoke from the burning ballot papers .
19 Armanjani reported to me that at the height of his powers our man sometimes accompanied a two hour programme of film trailers spliced together .
20 At the height of the Teddy boy era the local cinema foolishly premiered Rock Around the Clock on bonfire Night .
21 Suddenly at the height of the battle this purple and now orange mushroom bursts across the entire screen , devouring both armies in its path .
22 Seventeen years before Maxse 's death , but if this seems odd it is understandable , for Maxse was at the height of his powers before 1914 and a negligible figure thereafter .
23 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
24 This 19th of Cherubini 's 34 operas was conceived and written at the height of the Revolutionary Reign of Terror .
25 This 19th of Cherubini 's 34 operas was conceived and written at the height of the Revolutionary Reign of Terror .
26 He describes growing up in the village of the Kxinawa Indians by the Parauaca River , listening to tales of the massacres which marked the occupation of Acre a century ago at the height of the rubber boom .
27 After working , and studying law , for some years as a rank-and-file party member , he was appointed — at the height of the Prague Spring — deputy federal prime minister .
28 Kerry Packer sold most of his stock market investments — some of them to Bond — at the height of the stock market 's bull run in 1987 .
29 Long gone are those piles of suffocating heavy blankets needed to keep warm in bed at the height of winter coldness and the arduous task of bedmaking .
30 During the sixteenth century the Brydges bought up the neighbouring estate belonging to the Garways ( now called Garnstone ) , and at the height of their affluence James Brydges married Jane Blount and built The Ley exactly as you see it today .
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