Example sentences of "at [art] back " in BNC.

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1 First the hard heartwood was removed , making the intended figure hollow at the back ; the sculptor avoided solid masses , unstable in wood ( though preferred by sculptors in a material like sandstone ) ; finally in the carving , forms were decided partly to avoid the hazards of the sapwood shrinking and splitting .
2 One such example is the Grade II Pen and Parchment on Bridgefoot in Stratford-upon-Avon , where the barn at the back of the pub was used as a theatre throughout the 18th century .
3 Gilbert Forbes , still in his butler 's costume but without the tail coat and his toupee , was standing at the back of the group , his bald head pallid above his painted face .
4 Accordingly , when I arrived there , I settled down in a pew at the back and nodded off .
5 I was hanging around at the back of the church because I wanted a word with the vicar .
6 The shop had a little bar-type area at the back where people could sit .
7 Given its height and vigour , L. serotina is probably best accommodated at the back of a herbaceous border or in the wild garden if you are lucky enough to have such a place .
8 On p57 of the June issue the picture on the right has some tall pink and white flowers at the back of the picture .
9 Look carefully for the eggs , or nits , particularly behind the ears , at the back of the head , on the neck , crown and under fringes .
10 He felt hungry , and went through to the cool room at the back for a bowl of sheep 's milk and some bits of potato .
11 The men wore short kilts of grey homespun , their hair was flowing or knotted at the back , most were bearded : the uplanders had arrived from the Glen of Keltney .
12 ’ He was wandering now , his voice had dropped as he struggled to keep his thread and a restlessness at the back of the gathering broke out in shouts of ‘ Speak up !
13 Beside the stone shell of the Flemyngs ' new mill , at the back of a piece of ground it now shared with a new carpet factory , long-haired cattle were browsing desultorily among mudded grass and stacks of timber .
14 Outside at the back a curlew piped , a lonely single sound , and among the weeds of the garden sparrows cheeped and quarrelled in shrill bursts of noise .
15 Is he out at the back ? ’
16 In the narrow field that sloped upwards at the back between scrubby thickets Donald 's rake lay with its teeth in a swathe .
17 The practice is at the back of all Leonard 's writing , poetry and especially his songs , as we shall see .
18 The section at the back — these three pages — could go here , right after the statement from the Chairman .
19 The second had a double bed but was at the back of the cottage and overlooked an overgrown vegetable patch .
20 Edgar Adrian , in Cambridge , subsequently demonstrated the importance of the visual cortex at the back of the brain in generating alpha waves and the particular effectiveness of visual stimuli in blocking them .
21 While studying the relationship between visual stimuli and the EEG , Adrian found that if a regular series of bright flashes was presented to the subject 's eyes there was an equally regular series of blips in the EEG recorded from electrodes on the scalp over the visual areas at the back of the skull .
22 As early as 1957 , Michel Jouvet in Lyons had reported that the size of the ERP generated by a visual stimulus from the occipital cortex at the back of the brain , a primarily visual area , decreased when the subject was asked to attend to an auditory stimulus .
23 Standing upright , hold a stick horizontally at the back of your neck .
24 Hold the bar across your shoulders at the back of the neck .
25 The calve muscles at the back of the shin bone make it possible to raise the heel .
26 The chair looks better to me if the seat is wider at the front than at the back , but the front of the seat should only be slightly wider than the top of the back .
27 A thinner strip runs between them at the back .
28 As the thirty-six girls enter one by one down the ramp at the back of the stage and move into six straight lines across the stage until it is completely filled , there is one continually progressing line of arabesques and ports de bras .
29 These are also strongly accented as the arms straighten into 2nd position before being bent , with hands sometimes clasped behind the head , sometimes placed akimbo on the waist or sometimes with one on the waist and the other behind the large bow at the back of the head-dress .
30 Their enterprise began as a wholefood store — ‘ we had very little stock but all those years ago we did manage to get organic Basmati rice ’ — with a little tearoom at the back and a Malaysian feast once a week .
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