Example sentences of "at [art] table " in BNC.

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1 Now he looked down at the table top , then sideways at his colleagues and back at Cameron .
2 The Duke held up his branch like a banner and began to lead the way along to the east gate , but a large part of the crowd stayed in a half-circle round the group at the table , as though waiting for the victor 's crow in the cockfight .
3 They sat at the table .
4 In the kitchen she found Rodney stirring the contents of two saucepans and Veronica , John and a young man she did not know sitting at the table drinking wine .
5 The others were sitting at the table .
6 In the kitchen she found Veronica cooking and Rodney sitting at the table writing a list .
7 They all stared at me wide-eyed and continued to stand and stare even after I had sat down at the table .
8 He joined me at the table and poured out two generous measures of the clear liquid from the bottle .
9 Downstairs she made herself a cup of coffee and carried it out onto the patio and drank it at the table , smoked a loose-rolled sweet Italian cigarette , and watched the coming of the dawn .
10 She was sitting at the table with her chocolate cooling in the mug between her hands .
11 He knelt as erect as ever at the table .
12 He dressed and had breakfast with them at the table .
13 He made several brusque , impatient movements at the table but still she could not stop .
14 Then he got pen and writing pad and sat at the table .
15 The newspapers were put down , the chairs dragged into place but there was so much space on the floor that the three kneeling figures , Moran erect at the table , Rose and Michael bent at the chairs , looked scattered and far apart .
16 Each day her youngsters have to reserve a seat at the table and no prior reservation means no meal .
17 The remains of lunch were still on the stained crumb-scattered tablecloth and a woman sat at the table feeding a baby from a bottle .
18 I wish I could sit at the table and help cut up Annie 's food like I used to , and we 'd have crackers and we 'd wear those paper hats and have them little prezzies from inside the crackers .
19 As ever , Omi was in , sitting patiently at the table , writing one of the many letters with which she kept the tattered network of Brombergs and Ritters precariously bound together .
20 Her father and mother were sitting tensely on the sofa , Omi at the table , upright , disdain on her fine features , Bodo , huge against the wall , and all of them staring at the stubby , shabby , ash-stained figure of Marx , blinking through his red eyes at the document and reading aloud in an artificially solemn voice , practised in legal jargon and with which he , no doubt , had read out a hundred , a thousand , such documents .
21 Shocked looks glumly at the table , anxious to put her past behind her , yet concerned to put things right .
22 She sits at the table and smiles , asking firmly for a solo-brandy and coke in separate glasses .
23 She did n't answer immediately but looked down at the table , then up at him .
24 Although the seasoning of foods is a very personal matter , I believe that it is preferable to add salt during cooking to benefit the developing flavours and not at the table , where the tongue will distinguish the undissolved salt added to the food .
25 Several months before , he had been almost sleek , thanks to fourteen-mile walks and his wife 's efforts to police him at the table .
26 Philip sat down at the table .
27 Tug sat down where the Woman pointed , but Doyle began to walk round the room , peering at the table from all angles .
28 Joe looked down at the table .
29 She turned and saw him still sitting at the table .
30 In any case it would be better if I sat at the table , the light was better there and I should not get lazy .
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