Example sentences of "at [art] centre " in BNC.

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1 The issues of freedom of conscience and freedom from Roman hegemony lie at the centre of Northern Ireland fundamentalism and are meshed in with its evangelical tenets .
2 There is also strong central support from Rome which places catholic education at the centre of its cultural catholicism ideal .
3 Shaw 's Tabard Inn formed part of the Bedford Park Garden Suburb , a speculative development in the new ‘ Queen Anne Style ’ ; The Tabard , set at the centre of the development , forms part of the ‘ Village Street ’ opposite the Church of St. Michael and All Angels .
4 Perhaps more than any other man in Canada , he has put poetry on the map — at the centre , indeed ; and fought and argued and worked demoniacally to preserve it there .
5 The use of cables , if available , is excellent for bringing out the definition at the centre of the chest ( origin ) due to the fact that they allow movement over the body 's centre-line without loss of tension .
6 Five years after the fire , his work now nearing its end , he is at the centre of a specialist team of restorers replacing the recarving swags and pendants which had adorned the King 's Bedchamber and adjoining rooms since the time of Charles II and which now lie boxed or in pieces on shelves and benches at the South East corner of the palace .
7 The standard Mk3 open second as built with tables for four apart from the twin face–to–back seats at the centre partition .
8 The EIG was at the centre of CAMRA 's response to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
9 Lay a piece of masking tape at the centre point of the hearth , then line it up with the plumb bob
10 The key objective is a 15 per cent return on equity , and all business within the group is conducted at arm 's length on guidelines laid down by CB at the centre .
11 On this day : Saladin entered Jerusalem , 1187 ; the Duke of York captured Alkmaar in the Netherlands , 1799 ; Rome became the capital city of Italy , 1870 ; Brigham Young , Mormon leader , was arrested for bigamy , 1871 ; the first Royal Naval submarine was launched at Barrow , 1901 ; the first rugby football match was played at Twickenham , 1909 ; Italy invaded Ethiopia , 1935 ; the liner Empress of Britain , bound for Canada with refugees , was sunk , 1940 ; the British Council received a Royal Charter , 1940 ; 338 people died when the Queen Mary liner collided with the British cruiser Curacao , which sank off the coast of Donegal , 1942 ; a new island , with a volcano at the centre , appeared off Fayal Island , Azores 1957 ; Guinea became an independent republic , 1958 ; the first London performance of the musical show Promises , Promises was presented , 1968 .
12 But Clouthier remained at the centre stage of Mexican politics , as the most visible leader of the PAN .
13 Taking one of William Rees-Mogg 's conclusions further , is it not logical to deduce that while ‘ Italy is the cradle of European civilisation ’ , Tuscany is right at the centre of it .
14 Going Out to Eat and Drink : Old delis at the centre of the soul system : Delicatessens are the culinary outposts of our European immigrants .
15 It is the mystery of Creation , the God of all Jews not some new ‘ Christian ’ God , the God who is not a god but the mystery at the centre of all being who transcends all beings , He who Is , that hung in torment from the cross and died .
16 There was no formal appointments system at the centre and people with drugs problems could just ‘ drop in ’ to talk to counsellors .
17 Mrs Page-Alucard had apparently been murdered while she was working alone at the centre .
18 However , Mr van Vliet is at the centre of a disagreement within CITES over how to best protect snowdrops — the genus galathus — another plant worth millions in the trade , which is being endangered by sales of wild stocks .
19 Earlier we had been told that some ‘ lascivious ’ nudes were ‘ a sign of increasing decadence at the centre of an inflexible regime ’ , a phrase with some deeply troubling echoes of vocabulary .
20 Minos 's daughter Ariadne fell in love with him and gave him a ball of string to unwind on his way to the creature 's lair at the centre of the maze .
21 By the end of the year there were at least five methods of conducting business , starting at the centre and moving towards the periphery .
22 Dzerzhinsky stressed that local authorities should collaborate with them , but at the centre he was adamant that they should take no part in transport decisions that had any , political implications .
23 They played a significant role in initiating cultural ideas at the centre for subsequent vulgarization and dissemination throughout Russia , at first through ‘ fat ’ specialized journals and then later via the popular press .
24 There is no accommodation at the centre but staff will find you a local bed and breakfast .
25 Some activities take place at the centre — initial canoe training is in the swimming pool and on the small lakes in the grounds .
26 The Thatcher Cabinet after 1983 radiated from the woman at the centre .
27 At the centre of his mind was a fusion between the evangelical Christian and the churchman ; the first , biblical , a man of gospel and of conversion , of faith and the Word of God ; the second , a man with a reverence for the Christian society through the centuries , its sacramental inheritance , its order , and ministry , and continuity .
28 Yet he is not to die : at the very last moment the image jumps slightly and then we note Custer 's singular absence at the centre of the famous circle , which at that moment begins to break up .
29 Conversely , desire bears the imprint of disgust : even as the low other becomes an object of longing , it is simultaneously that on to which is displaced a self-disgust that inheres at the centre of bourgeois desire , and for that matter other forms of desire .
30 The task therefore was to recover greater autonomy at the centre and limit the state 's obligations to those that were essential and/or that it could carry out .
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