Example sentences of "at [art] door " in BNC.

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1 At the start of the book there are false notes , those of a Hemingway war correspondent : ‘ Every knock at the door could mean the end for me .
2 At the door , one more joke , rather good .
3 I thanked him and tore up the prescription at the door .
4 She stood at the door and stared .
5 ‘ Perhaps , ’ suggested Tom Witherington slyly , ‘ Edith was listening at the door … ’
6 There was a shy tense hug and lip brush of a kiss at the door .
7 She raced upstairs again , paused at the door to touch her face and neck , everywhere Lucy had touched her .
8 You 're at the door .
9 ‘ Time to go home , ’ she said , and kissed Jay gently on the cheek at the door .
10 ‘ OK , ’ she said and they managed a shaky hug at the door .
11 Yet when she arrived , when she knocked at the door and waited outside , bits of the outfit threatened to dissociate , to turn ugly and risible .
12 At the door he turned , his face ashen .
13 I want to talk to him , ’ he says to the guard at the door .
14 At the door the man taking the money was dirtying patrons ' hands with one of those rubber stamps no-one thought existed outside student discos .
15 The salty , fishy odour of baccala ( dried salt cod ) hits you at the door , and there is a good selection of Spanish pork products , not forgetting chorizo sausage and serrano ham .
16 This was fine , but solid evidence will have to be provided that the scene in which Palin woke up on the Orient Express to the knock of brioches at the door was the real thing .
17 I slung my rifle over my shoulder and clutching the bottle of wine I crossed the bridge for the second time , heading east , turning to wave to the couple at the door of the café .
18 And there was Tom Waits at the door , in this big Crombie coat .
19 She basically lays the blame for the low status retailing enjoys today at the door of the education system .
20 All turned to look back at the door as the footsteps approached on the flagstones .
21 Whither Brecht now , on the lure of the good old days ; not to mention the nostalgia laid at the door of romantic anti-capitalism ?
22 Before she could add , as she was evidently about to , that she never bought anything at the door , he announced himself hurriedly and asked for her husband .
23 He 's probably locked in the kitchen , scratching at the door trying to get out .
24 At the door the Minister was waiting .
25 At the door , ’ Frau Nordern said .
26 At the door , she embraced him in wordless grief .
27 He turned to see Nurse Lambert smiling at the door .
28 At the door his father turned to wink familiarly at Madeleine .
29 At the door she could not resist a parting shot .
30 At the door Nurse Lambert stood waiting with a wheelchair — crisp , starched , bright as the April sunlight .
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