Example sentences of "at [art] level " in BNC.

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1 At the level of law and order , total control of the subject population was achieved in two ways .
2 There is an elective affinity between this cultural vision and the religious vision of the Roman catholic church prior to the second Vatican Council , in its exclusivist attitude towards other Christian churches , an attitude which is far from overcome at the level of popular Roman catholicism .
3 At the level of the unchurched popular consciousness , particularly in the urban protestant working classes , liberty may have slightly different significances .
4 This is already true at the level of the institutions of law .
5 They are indicative not only of the strength of current Roman catholic social rules and sense of obedience on specified issues at the level of popular religion , but also of the direct power of the hierarchy operating through the state in affairs they considered sacred .
6 The separation of the two opposing alliances in Ireland is thus replicated at the level of schooling .
7 Recall that constructivism refers only to mental representations at the level of the input systems , as entities which can be translated , more or less directly , into the language of neuropsychology .
8 His problem is therefore at the level of the speech output lexicon .
9 Yet another patient 's problems are at the level of the visual input lexicon itself .
10 Another patient could name letters but could not sound them out , suggesting a problem at the level of grapheme to phoneme assignment .
11 To compare Raskolnikov 's haymarket with Kim 's bazaar is to see that Kipling has done all the work so that you do n't have to go there to know what it 's like at the level of vivid and varied description , whereas Dostoevsky leaves his reader with an impression which hovers between smell and vapour and dream .
12 All these are inconsistent with ‘ living life ’ , the two words which are placed between inverted commas and imposed at the level of mere idea upon Notes from Underground , but which truly drive Raskolnikov , which are his need to become a man again .
13 Reassurance is another matter , except at the level where all great art reassures ; for a spirit of slippage presides over The Possessed .
14 He is as Gadarene , as possessed , as any one , but at the level of total ideal obsession .
15 At the same time , at the level of practical pedagogy , there is a counter-tendency in the study of the national canon to concentrate more and more on a small and diminishing number of texts .
16 This endemic failure at the level of execution is counterbalanced , for those who are patient and sympathetic , by the audacity and grandeur of the conception .
17 The salient fact is that what is uniquely on offer at these parties is not all-night dancing or a few boutique drugs , but fantasy-sensation itself : the orgiastic effect of thousands of people mainlining heavy acid rock at the level of total sound .
18 Even at the level of the Nikol'sk village Soviet a high proportion of time was spent on tax problems .
19 His mind usually stayed at the level of gossip and anecdote but not always .
20 There is plenty of opportunity for the general sense of ambiguity discussed above to manifest itself at the level of individual projects .
21 Once the loan agreement is signed the donor may have a much more precise view of these conditions than the recipient , especially at the level of the line staff who are actually supposed to manage the project .
22 At the level of the individual the following trends are likely .
23 Or survivals at the level of colour : liking for flat and intense colours , local earth and vegetable dyes , which may go all the way back to the ancient textile traditions such as that of the Paracas culture in Peru .
24 Its meaning is inadequately theorised and remains largely at the level of common sense , a crude alternative to the repressive order of work .
25 Hence , a music that demands to be considered at the level of what the words mean , the coherence of the narrative , the intentions of the artist , biographical input .
26 The subliminal message of most music is that the universe is essentially benign , that if there is sadness or tragedy , this is resolved at the level of some higher harmony .
27 He himself , he says , does ‘ not belong to the party that would condemn the common and familiar ways of speaking ’ , according to which we know many things at the level of appearances , such as that I am now seated rather than standing , and that fire appears hot rather than cold .
28 As you will have picked up , in my opinion fundamentalism is a dangerous enemy which has to be attacked at the level of the mind and of the heart .
29 They do not occur equally ; modern carbon consists of 99 per cent of 12 C and 1 per cent of 13 C , whereas 14 C is present at the level of only one part in a million million .
30 However , these arguments are not particularly strong , for , if the inference of fault is so great , why not include a requirement of proof of fault , at least at the level of subjective recklessness ?
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