Example sentences of "at [det] distance " in BNC.

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1 They were not yet in any personal danger ; at that distance no musket-ball could carry .
2 When Kawasaki began operations in their US plant at Nebraska they found it preferable to import components from their subcontractors back in Japan who could even at that distance , guarantee weekly deliveries .
3 So crazed were we becoming that I was sure that even at that distance we could spot the fiendish grin he directed at Sinar Surya floundering on the horizon each time he passed !
4 At that distance Adam could n't see the scar that ran down Kaas ' cheek .
5 I would surely settle for an error of of a degree at that distance .
6 Even at that distance , her stance indicated suppressed rage and frustration .
7 ‘ I was never less than fifty feet from the wall and at that distance , with a small pistol in the dark they 'd have had a job to hit a double-decker bus . ’
8 He had been going to wave , but she would n't see him , not at that distance ; she refused to buy contact lenses , and hated wearing her glasses .
9 Then he appeared from the gate at the far side , and she could see him smiling even at that distance .
10 There were archers with them , but not a great company , and some three-score men-at-arms , all mounted ; and a knot of bright devices he could not quite read at that distance , though their colours did almost as well .
11 Er I would say that the impact of the development if it goes ahead must be limited at that distance .
12 I do n't believe there will be problems at that distance of noise of dust and the visual impact of this hill must be limited at that distance .
13 I do n't believe there will be problems at that distance of noise of dust and the visual impact of this hill must be limited at that distance .
14 Just before he reached it , I used the last two shots on my film , though at that distance I did n't think I 'd pick up much .
15 Ahead lay a steep , narrow valley and a village , diminutive at this distance , its buildings clustered round a harbour .
16 Only a week ago , he was in New York beating the world champion , Abdi Bile , and the best of the rest at this distance .
17 It is hard , at this distance of time , to see what his motives were , apart from the mere love of a fight for its own sake , and the desire to promote one of his friends .
18 The optimism of 1959 which runs through them is quite breathtaking at this distance in time : ‘ Some experts insist on talking as if the only choices were immediate surrender , immediate preventive war or eventual world annihilation , ’ Kahn declared .
19 The book described it as ‘ remote ’ , but at this distance it seemed the centre of the world ; the eye of a ferocious storm whose outer edges could never pull free ; the heart of a titan , beating like thunder ; an energy so awesome that it was dragging the very edges of the forest ever closer .
20 ‘ I am really a baby at this distance and I am pretty nervous .
21 And they sat in the car with the windows down in the freezing dawn and they watched the distant city lights going out under the dawn at five in the morning , they sat there for a full half hour , looking , and thinking how beautiful the city looked at this time and at this distance
22 The noise of the crowd surrounding it could be heard even at this distance .
23 But even at this distance we can clearly recognise in Joe Johnson a player who made a sterling contribution to the Palace cause in the early and formative years of our club .
24 It does sound silly at this distance of time , but then , green as grass , I lapped it all up .
25 Although the lines are exceedingly fine ( ie , just resolved ) at this distance , increasing the separation between source and observer can produce very strong lines which account for the glare I have noticed .
26 If the race had been over 62 metres then I felt I would have won , but there are no championships at this distance so I had to be content with second place .
27 At this distance it is impossible to tell if Gert could have made more of his early life if he had been given the chance to make use of the ‘ creative ability ’ spotted early on by one of his helpers .
28 The heat should feel comfortable at this distance .
29 Further inland , and only just visible from the southern window was the Old Rectory , set like a Victorian dolls ' house in its large , overgrown garden which , at this distance , looked as neatly green and formal as a municipal park .
30 I ca n't remember whether there were six or eight at this distance of time .
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