Example sentences of "[adj -est] [noun] [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 However , those in the worst housing experience the greatest difficulty in meeting the norms of good housekeeping .
2 Claudia was so outraged that she had the greatest difficulty in keeping the rage she felt enough under control for her to be coherent .
3 I have the greatest difficulty in finding the remotest sense in the policy of a party which says that it is in favour of investment but which goes out of its way by every possible means to penalise saving .
4 First , even critics of privatisation have the greatest difficulty in defending the existing position .
5 It is rather like something that I used to do as a young groundsman coming up through the ranks , when I applied for vacant jobs all over the place , the bigger and more prestigious the place the better , and more often than not without the slightest intention of taking the job if it had been offered !
6 The Laird of Quarrel did not have the slightest intention of sharing the spoils of office with Craigbarnet , but he was unlikely to get anywhere near the office without strong interest , and those upon whom he relied were ready to see the wisdom of returning to the old practice of sharing the office .
7 Generally speaking , notes which move from chromatic to diatonic , or from non-chordal to chordal , provide the strongest vehicle for creating the tension and release upon which effective jazz improvisation depends .
8 She asks why these dreams should ‘ be given the supreme power of enveloping the planet ( conquering the world ) , when neither those dreams nor man have shown the slightest capacity for solving the world 's real problems , only a brilliant capacity for displacing them ’ ( 389 ) .
9 With Caroline , Giles and Georgiana around , I 've never been in the slightest danger of getting the so-called high profile of my job out of perspective .
10 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
11 The strongest argument for preserving the village school is undoubtedly its role in the community .
12 Perhaps the neatest way of expressing the distinction is to contrast unilateral and cooperative procedures .
13 Unorthodox would be the politest way of summarising the tail end — sometimes it worked , sometimes not .
14 1800 A committee is recommended to procure the cheapest Estimates for enclosing the Burying places in Kilmeny & Kilneave with Dry stone walls not Exceeding 32 feet high with two rows of Fale as Cape .
15 The starter kit , the cheapest way of buying the car , requires about 100 hours of work by the buyer , once all the parts are to hand .
16 Even Conservative Governments could be persuaded of the wisdom of this approach since , so long as no powerful state threatened the status quo , support for the League was the cheapest way of maintaining the Empire .
17 Therefore , you have to decide the quickest and/or cheapest way of attending the interview .
18 What i-the cheapest way of lowering the gearing ?
19 ‘ I would not have the slightest objection to living the rest of my life here , ’ said Jose Rizal .
20 The Premier cancelled a trip to Spain at the last minute as the sick pound hit its lowest level since joining the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
21 This August Committee Meeting accepted the lowest estimates for building the clubhouse and the workshop .
22 The previous incumbents , Ion Kostash and Anatol Plugaru , among the fiercest advocates for continuing the anti-separatist conflict , had retained their posts after the government 's resignation in June [ see p. 38976 ] .
23 This theological argument for differentiation was to assume the greatest importance in spreading the Copernican theory .
24 SANDY LYLE survived every weekend hacker 's worst nightmare before clinching the £110,000 Volvo Masters title at Valderrama yesterday .
25 Houghton places greatest stress upon achieving the maximum number of issues per book added to stock , rather than on achieving subject coverage on the shelves .
26 ( Hesslow , 1981 ) ( iii ) There are the greatest difficulties in fitting the particular theories of probability into any probabilistic idea of causation .
27 They eat all but the smallest prey by tearing the carcases apart before ingestion , holding the body of the prey in their talons and tearing small parts away with their hooked beaks .
28 Neglecting of clones producing these links is the simpliest way of resolving the corresponding forks , although a more careful analysis of hybridization data for such probe pairs and clones linking them could help to reduce the level of noise .
29 So the simplest method of disconnecting the pipes is to saw through them or to cut through them with a pipe cutter .
30 The simplest method of valuing the business is to agree a fixed price to be paid in full by the purchaser in cash on completion .
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