Example sentences of "[pn reflx] as [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Here a question may be raised as to just what we mean when we think of ourselves as plunged by the twentieth century into a chaos of relativism .
2 Looking forward , and viewing ourselves as contributing to the development of provisionally held theories , it seems to offer no more than the hope that we might make a contributions even if we do not really understand what , how , or to what .
3 And while he says that he is prepared to go on doing musicals until he has one that really works , he would probably not agree with that picture of himself as fighting against the tide .
4 Thirdly , a later section grandly describes itself as engaged in the ‘ [ r ] epeal of statutory powers of arrest without warrant or order ’ .
5 v. Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food the Court of Appeal , while regarding itself as bound by the view that Article 86 gave rise to a claim for damages , held that another directly applicable provision , Article 30 ( dealing with quantitative restrictions on imports ) attracted only the remedy of judicial review .
6 I 'd never thought of myself as working at the NME because I was in awe of it ; I used to read it all the time , Tony Tyler , Charles Shaar Murray and people like that .
7 In resisting Home Rule and arguing for tariffs , Unionists had seen themselves as acting in the interests of nation and empire against a government that had the interests of neither at heart .
8 Granted that words have a certain elasticity of meaning , the general rule remains that the judges regard themselves as bound by the words of a statute when these words clearly govern the situation before the court .
9 These groups , like all élites , have no previous perception of themselves as belonging to the troublesome classes , and it does not do for the police to remind them that the application of control can be redirected depending on who is defining the ‘ illegalities ’ .
10 It is characteristic that the more modest member of these august committees fail to recognize themselves as belonging to the Great and Good , a tribe which lives in the great terra incognita of Quangoland .
11 The following resolution passed by the Bournemouth Congress in 1971 also illustrates this new mood : This Congress demands according to the rights of citizenship in a democratic society : a ) That whenever legislation is proposed concerning the deaf , the deaf themselves as represented by the British Deaf Association should have full consultation and adequate participation at all levels ; b ) That in the implementation of all such legislation the deaf should be given every opportunity for active participation ; c ) That there should be adequate representation by deaf persons on governing bodies of all Associations and schools concerned with the welfare , employment and education of the deaf .
12 Both the main groups in Viktring , the Slovenes and the Serbs , were also anxious to make clear to the British that , despite having arrived under the command of a German colonel , they were not " collaborators " and did not regard themselves as opposed to the Allies .
13 Despite the number of marriages broken by divorce , it seems that most young people make their vows in good faith , intend to keep them and see themselves as committed to the other for life .
14 Thinking of the faith as though it were a philosophical position , and of those who had come to preach to them as if they were travelling intellectuals , led the Corinthians to imagine themselves as judges between the various emphases they heard .
15 Both the ELA and the new Shipping Federation , however , saw themselves as responding to the same trade union incursions into their members ' prerogatives .
16 The coins show that contemporary Romans kept returning to the iconography not just of war , but of conquest , and that they presented themselves as following in the footsteps of Alexander ; this is an important contribution to our understanding of their aspirations at the time .
17 Unfortunately these two categories overlap , whilst those temporary workers ( or those who are giving proxy answers for them ) who are unsure of the precise nature of their temporary employment are also more likely to describe themselves as falling into the first category .
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