Example sentences of "[pn reflx] in [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A few minutes later our train came in and we established ourselves in a first class carriage .
2 In 1724 , David Muir , Chamberlain to the Earl of Eglinton and a merchant in his own right , presented the Society with a silver arrow as the winner 's trophy for the papingo shoot and proceeded to win it himself in the first year .
3 It is very difficult to find a reason for that early forebear making a ‘ god ’ for himself in the first place , if it were not a result of the pressures of dependence originating from mammalian childhood .
4 The main thesis of the existentialist approach is that in order to elucidate the full significance of ontological claims conveyed by existential propositions we ought to begin by focusing attention upon the one for whom the " problem of existence " presents itself in the first instance as a problem of his own existence .
5 He looked round the drawing-room , at the pictures and looking-glasses and ornaments shrouded in black , at Alexandra herself in the first mourning dress she had ever had .
6 The allegedly second class Scots gave an undeniably first rate account of themselves in a first half in which the Germans set the mood for the evening with the quality of their possession play .
7 However , it was not all one-sided and Hammer gave a good account of themselves in the first half , restricting Haslemere to one goal and going close themselves with long-range shots .
8 When temporary workers responding to the British Labour Force Survey were themselves invited to differentiate between these two groups , two-thirds placed themselves in the first category .
9 The complaints must be made to the police themselves in the first instance and all subsequent investigations are undertaken by police officers .
10 Apart from that , there 's a certain justification for the MC4 clasping the live album nettle — given that it was their constant , sometimes belligerent belief in gigging that helped them establish themselves in the first place .
11 But Lisa 's mother points out that it 's unusual for people with Downs Syndrome to be given a chance to prove themselves in the first place :
12 Two children arranged themselves in the first carriage , Bradford grandchildren with their parents up from Bristol .
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