Example sentences of "[pn reflx] on the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Me and Sam missed our way and found ourselves on the edge of Foxton Mire .
2 And they have a far greater proportion of the Greater York area than we do , erm as I outlined we just have three relatively modest villages , erm our , we do have a concern erm , on this , in that we do n't ac , given there 's a a district and an area have not be identified , we do n't feel that there has been a comparative assessment of the two options , we do n't dispute that they may well be harm er from peripheral development around other distric , around settlements in other districts , we acknowledged other other District Council 's concerns , and indeed , these are arguments we have used ourselves on the scale of development in Hambledon , er but we do n't feel that there has been a properly balanced assessment of the two options .
3 This is often closely related to where we see ourselves on the spectrum of social class .
4 ‘ Sometimes we can argue , but on this occasion we 'll have to throw ourselves on the mercy of the court because once again , and this was the second time running , simple , basic errors cost us the game . ’
5 This we did , for in about an hour and a quarter from the time of our beginning the ascent , we found ourselves on the top of this dreadful precipice , and in possession of some very uncommon plants … ’
6 When we denounce the anti-Semitism and let the Fascism take care of itself , we are fastening on what is prepolitical or sub-political , and refusing to engage ourselves on the plane of politics where , as Olson insists , we 're required to vindicate our own sorts of polity against the Fascist sorts .
7 Seating ourselves on the trunk of an old ash-tree that stretched along the ground , Coleridge read aloud with a sonorous and musical voice , the ballad of Betty Foy .
8 Within three weeks I had handed in my dissertation , Lorne had assembled the rudimentary equipment , and with more bravado than common sense we found ourselves on the island of Celebes in the South China Sea .
9 We falsely congratulate ourselves on the progressiveness of contemporary welfare provision , ignoring not only its insufficiency but also the fact that much of the need itself is an artificial creation of contemporary social prejudices against people continuing at work .
10 ‘ Let God be God ’ and we find ourselves on the path of discipleship .
11 Thereafter the truly experienced Phillips-watcher will know that he is to be found in the corner of the studio conducting a vehement argument with himself on the subject of whatever he just did n't tell you , and will shortly be sending an assistant back to pick up his hat .
12 In a way he has moulded himself on the likeness of Ben Hogan .
13 He felt himself on the edge of hysterical laughter and fought to gain control .
14 Max Gate , the house Hardy designed for himself on the edge of town , is stranded behind a new roundabout and it is difficult now to imagine him setting out from there to ride along the lanes with Kipling or H. G. Wells .
15 ‘ Indeed , ’ said Cowley , seating himself on the edge of the desk .
16 He reached out and turned the lamp so that it shone onto her face , seating himself on the edge of the desk so that he could study her .
17 Wycliffe perched himself on the edge of the table .
18 ‘ That Olivera office opposite , ’ said Greg , coming up to her desk , sitting himself on the edge of it , and kissing her twice — ‘ what sort of place is it ? ’
19 Benedict laid his burden gently on the bed , and sat down himself on the edge of it .
20 He perched himself on the edge of the gunwale and took the two ends of the rope in his hands .
21 FURLANETTO PRIDES HIMSELF ON THE range of work which he chooses to undertake , particularly recently when he recorded the ‘ other ’ Don Giovanni by Gazzaniga ( see ‘ Opera Reviews ’ in this issue ) .
22 McLeish found himself on the verge of suggesting that a thoroughly unpleasant time in a New York jail might succeed in curing Tristram where all other methods , including exhortation , loving family support and a spell in a comfortable private hospital in Devon , had failed .
23 He brightened up , getting the glow of a man who feels himself on the verge of discharging a disagreeable responsibility .
24 He ran the company as if he had suddenly and unexpectedly found himself on the footplate of a runaway engine .
25 This was because human beings worked things out in their minds in terms of concepts and moral rules , and these concepts and rules were not things the individual made for himself on the spur of the moment .
26 When , once , he had thought himself on the brink of an alliance for which he yearned , he was suddenly and shatteringly rejected .
27 He could , he supposed , have thrown himself on the mercy of his father and stepmother , but the very idea was abhorrent to him .
28 Once he had arrived at the Southern Capital , he had proclaimed his loyalty to the old gods loudly and publicly , disowning the Aten and throwing himself on the mercy of the priests of Amun , who even then were growing bold as the revolutionary pharaoh lost his grip both on reality and his empire .
29 The real benefit of reading Baudelaire himself on the art of his contemporaries is the chance of recovering some of the excitement the poet felt .
30 It is accepted that the deputy judge correctly directed himself on the issue of testamentary capacity when , after citing passages from the judgment of Cockburn C.J. in Banks v. Goodfellow ( 1870 ) L.R. 5 Q.B .
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