Example sentences of "they go outside " in BNC.

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1 The two of them went outside , and the old gentleman said , ‘ I got your letter , my child , but it was n't necessary .
2 Later they go outside , and the camera tracks in front of him he walks about the property , prodding a pig here and shearing sheep there , explaining how , left to themselves , people logically can not fail to humanize the universe .
3 Especially when it 's like this , now they go outside and it 's
4 He described how they went outside , and saw the flattened port , and hundreds of bodies lying right around them , their exposed skin scalded , and he remembered the obscene and chilling stillness of it all .
5 They went outside , Forster turning around with the set switched on , and finding the direction where the static was the strongest .
6 Tallis helped Wyn to his feet and they went outside .
7 Schellenberg settled the account and they went outside .
8 They went outside and as they got back into the Kubelwagen Devlin said , ‘ Crete and the Afrika Korps , I see , and Stalingrad .
9 ‘ Yes , if I 'm still here , ’ she murmured under her breath as they went outside to the terrace .
10 Though when the meal was ended and they went outside it was to discover that it had begun to drizzle .
11 So last night , I thought , I wo n't do anything till he comes in but we 'd got company and er , they went outside , they were having a look at car engine and that , telling us what were wrong , you know .
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