Example sentences of "from whom [art] " in BNC.

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1 Did it really matter from whom a bishop had received the lands and symbols of his office so long as he was the representative of Christ to his flock ?
2 For perhaps only the second time since the Turner Prize was inaugurated in 1984 , the jury , comprising Nicholas Serota , Director of the Tate Gallery , Marie-Claude Beaud , Director of the Cartier Foundation , Robert Hopper , Director of the Henry Moore Sculpture Trust , Time Out 's art critic , Sarah Kent , and collector and director of CNN 's European operations , Howard Karshan , has compiled a genuinely balanced short-list of artists whose work will be shown in an exhibition opening at the Tate Gallery at the beginning of this month ( 4–29 November ) and from whom a winner will be announced at a formal dinner taking place at the museum on 24 November .
3 The issue has been referred back to the MacLeod Estates , from whom a reply is awaited .
4 Another sympathizer was Lord Furness , a self-made man from the very bottom of the ladder , whom the NSFU recalled " as a great shipowner who was never averse to the claims of justice and fair play , always approachable in any difficulty , from whom a case reasonably stated never failed to obtain a patient hearing and who was never spoiling for a fight " .
5 Claims involving serious breakdowns or accidental damage to plant must be the subject of an investigation by the Plant Safety Engineer or Independent Consulting Engineer from whom a report must be sought .
6 The Williamson Tender , named after the case in which it was first used , is directed not to the pursuer but to a joint wrongdoer from whom a contribution is hoped for , be that joint wrongdoer another defender or a third party .
7 Almighty God , unto whom all hearts be open , all desires known , and from whom no secrets are hid .
8 The only person with the perspective and authority to judge and communicate personal effectiveness is an employee 's accountable manager , who , in most cases , is also the only person from whom an employee will accept evaluation and coaching .
9 Although while making those allegations and telling their bar room stories the Government have added that they propose to respect their obligations under United Nations conventions , they have always followed that with attempts to make the nation 's flesh creep with the thought of the foreign hordes from whom an heroic Home Secretary is now protecting us .
10 ( 4 ) If you haven " t already heard , write to the selling agent for full particulars of the sale and parties , etc. ( 5 ) If you act for a seller whose unregistered title deeds are with a bank , building society , etc , write for the deeds , or ( if they are not clients of yours ) for the name and address of the conveyancers to whom they will be sent , and from whom an abstract can be obtained .
11 Independent producers , from whom the Government expects both ITV and BBC to take one quarter of their programmes , regularly complain that the broadcasters , like building societies , are reluctant to advance the full cost of a project .
12 It was also the start of three nights of concerts to celebrate the formation of the Natural Law Party , which is an offspring of the worldwide movement founded by the transcendental meditation guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , from whom the Beatles received instruction in India in 1968 .
13 During the 16th century the mill was in the hands of various members of the Hone family , later passing to the clothier , Thomas Tayloe , from whom the mill took one of its best-remembered names .
14 By 1637 the Church family , from whom the mill takes its name , were in residence and were to remain so until the early part of the 18th century .
15 The incubation period may be up to one year , and this makes it difficult in many cases to decide from whom the warts have been caught ; not only that , but they often seem to have been seeded on the principle adhered to by market gardeners , to give successive crops over a long period .
16 ‘ Speaking the truth in love , we are to grow up in every way into him who is the Head , into Christ from whom the whole body , joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied , when each part is working properly , makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love ’ ( Eph. 4.15–16 ) .
17 These were much the best performances I have heard from him , and say a lot for the state of Horndean , Petersfield and Rogate Choral Societies , from whom the Festival Chorus were drawn .
18 In a note to his poem The Vision , Burns wrote , ‘ Coilus , King of the Picts , from whom the district of Kyle is said to take its name , lies buried , as tradition says , near the family seat of the Montgomeries of Coilsfield , where his burial place is still shown . ’
19 Anton Mesmer ( 1734–1815 ) , ( from whom the word ‘ mesmerism ’ is derived ) enjoyed great popularity in treating people with what he called ‘ animal magnetism ’ .
20 The people from whom the trade protection associations of 1818 were protecting themselves , were smaller in number and simpler in their wants than their 1918 counterparts .
21 Jean-Antoine Chaptal ( 1756–1832 ) from whom the operation of assisting the grape must , chaptalisation , derives its name , was a brilliant chemist and technocrat who served Napoleon as minister of the interior from 1800 to 1805 .
22 Some historians believe this to be the burial place of the Saxon king , Swaine , from whom the name of the village is reputed to have been derived .
23 We are told the way in which MPs have voted on certain controversial cross-party issues such as abortion and hanging ; we are given the names of those to whom we must say farewell and those we should welcome , but no details whatsoever as to the make up the corps of MPs ' secretaries , that body of sirens from whom the more susceptible among us should be protected .
24 Of course , some or all investment business can be referred to a suitably qualified independent third party ( from whom the practitioner may still receive an introductory commission ) but , while this undoubtedly has merit in certain circumstances , it is often used as a convenient way of avoiding involvement in an area of activity that is regarded as intrusive rather than welcome .
25 There is a range of possible meanings that might be attached to these rather ambiguous words ; but , if no mortal man could be the doorway into the Lord 's sheepfold , it would scarcely matter from whom the bishop received the emblems of his office : the reality could come only from Christ .
26 Without implying that Lanfranc was an enemy of the monks of the cathedral church , the whole drift of the pope 's account of the incident suggests that the request for a confirmation of the monastic status of the cathedral had come from someone other than Lanfranc : from whom the request came he left entirely unclear .
27 Newsagents , from whom the majority of you buy your magazines , tell me that issues of GH have been selling like hot cakes over the Christmas period .
28 The letter rogatory specifies those facts and circumstances causing the requesting party reasonably to believe that the requested documents are or were in the possession , control , or custody of , or are known to the person from whom the documents are requested .
29 Romulus and Remus were revered as the pair from whom the foundation of Rome derived .
30 The tenth-century Arab document goes on to assert that the sect from whom the Nazarean text issued is still in existence , and is regarded as an elite amongst Christians .
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