Example sentences of "from the worst " in BNC.

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1 It would appear that there was some increase in the marriage rates among those in their early twenties during the early 1920s , perhaps because of the delays caused by the First World War , and after 1934 , when the domestic economy began to revive from the worst excesses of the slump .
2 Nevertheless , a winter mulch of bulky material or a thick layer of pea shingle will protect plants from the worst ravages of winter .
3 But the company said its investment programme helped raise its visibility in a relatively lifeless marketplace and , in the American laboratory market in particular , helped shield it from the worst effects of the recession .
4 Mr Wriglesworth added : ‘ I have no doubt that this election will come to be seen as the key to the recovery from the worst recession in the housing market since the Second World War .
5 The fact is the Conservatives are on probation , saved in the end from the worst recession since the war by the British people 's suspicions about Labour 's tax plans .
6 As it howled on to a new course , the river bank no longer protected Trent and Mariana from the worst of its savagery .
7 The point I am making now is that , even if we look on the dark side and assume that individual man is fundamentally selfish , our conscious foresight — our capacity to simulate the future in imagination — could save us from the worst selfish excesses of the blind replicators .
8 She must have some radar , he thought , that at the last saved her from the worst effects of his anger and frustration .
9 Subsequently , nineteenth-century philanthropy sought to protect older people from the worst impacts of the economic climate , and such efforts culminated in the introduction of pension legislation .
10 After burial , bones are protected from the worst effects of weathering , but they may still be subjected to corrosion by soil or sediment .
11 But the government shielded consumers from the worst excesses of inflation by reducing the community charge burden , and businesses kept their price rises down to one of the lowest levels for 24 years .
12 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
13 protected from the worst effects of the weather ; and
14 Provision of greenery helps to protect the cyclist from the worst of the weather as well as from noise and vehicle pollution .
15 For all that , it was a key letter and sounded a new note , and it was his first written in French , as if to underline his sense of liberation from the worst aspects of things Dutch — their narrow-mindedness , their lack of joy .
16 The State tried to expropriate the produce even of peasants , gardens , but native cunning — bargaining with , and even bribing , officials of dubious enthusiasm for the Party line — often meant that rural households could escape from the worst deprivations of the towns .
17 With Steve Bull suffering from the worst goalscoring drought of his career and Wolves picking up just three points from a possible 21 , Turner faces problems .
18 Colchester has been protected from the worst effects of the cuts because of forward planning , he says .
19 No sign of a tent , but over to the left , just showing , was a clump of trees thickly planted and apparently sheltered from the worst of the weather , and , standing up from among them , the chimneys of a house .
20 Its good insulating properties mean that the young emerging plants in the spring are saved from the worst of the biting cold .
21 Against the far wall , shielded from the worst of the rain , were five bodies neatly laid out .
22 Somebody with a £100,000 portfolio who deals £5,000-£10,000 worth of stock at a time will be protected from the worst stocks , doubly so if he is lucky enough to be in the hands of a dealer with a longer-term commitment to his profession than average .
23 You can take cuttings in summer of this kind of herb and keep them protected through the winter , or shield the parent plants in some way , so that they are sheltered from the worst of the cold and wind .
24 Stella could n't tell whether she was acting or not — she looked dreadful , as if she was suffering from the worst sort of headache , and yet she kept watching herself in the glass , turning her face this way and that , peering forward to follow the track of a tear rolling down her cheek .
25 There is an opportunity for a subsequent improvement , if the system is freed from the worst effects of political interference , which should be made more explicit .
26 I decided that as I had worked for Harold Wilson and enjoyed his total confidence for several years , there was some duty to try to deter him from the worst mistakes .
27 Efforts are now being made to ensure that more old people are using housing benefits where these apply , but there is a need for constant vigilance to protect the most vulnerable groups of old people from the worst aspects of bad housing .
28 The town had suffered from the worst of industrial enterprise and was now the recipient of a major twenty-million-pound clean-up .
29 The best stories always come from the worst experiences . ’
30 We also joined the ‘ Transport 2000 ’ PLATFORM Group formed to protect existing rail services from the worst effects of privatisation .
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