Example sentences of "from [art] walls " in BNC.

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1 Plaster had come away from the walls from ceiling to floor , and along the lower part the bared cement , originally grey , was stained yellow and smelt of urine .
2 If the previous five markets are anything to go by , works will be grabbed from the walls and plinths while organisers rush to replace them with other works .
3 It will be some time before Stewart can begin on the interior decor , but the furnishings are likely to be medieval in flavour , if contemporary in colour , with heavy tapestries draped from the walls and fittings boxed into the panelling .
4 This lifted the atmospheric pressure — fifteen pounds per square inch , as you may know — from the walls of the uterus and thus allowed the maximum free passage of blood through the maternal and infant blood vessels .
5 She went back to the gallery , furious , shut the door , pulled down the blind , and those other guests still inside helped her to remove the paintings from the walls .
6 A final steep rise in the lane is littered by stones fallen from the walls ; these end suddenly to reveal a fine view of Ingleborough directly ahead , its massive dome seen across a wide depression occupied by the lonely dwelling of Crina Bottom in a walled enclosure among sheltering trees .
7 The evening light came through the skylights high overhead , glossing the scurfy backs , the sores , the scabby manes , and a soft echo came back from the walls of the vast , bare concrete building of animal content , feeding .
8 At this temperature atoms form a ‘ plasma ’ which carries an electric charge and can thus be kept away from the walls of the container by a magnetic field .
9 The collection from Kenya came from owls roosting in an old well at the ruined town of Gedi , an old Arab town now being reclaimed by coastal forest , and the owls were roosting on ledges where stone has fallen from the walls of the well .
10 Thus it was possible for engineers to place their microphone to give a ratio of direct and reflected sound from the walls of the studio in order to achieve a pleasing artistic reproduction .
11 Silently , watching the proceedings from the walls were portraits of a host of 19th century presidents of the ICE .
12 He returned to find the Cross of St George still flapping from the walls of Famagusta and nothing obviously changed except the weather , which would , of course , put out the slow-matches and the fire-missiles and make it increasingly unlikely that the tower of Famagusta was going to prove combustible .
13 Meanwhile , the firing from the walls was undiminished , and the last stages of trenching had proved extremely costly .
14 The roofs were most often not their own : long since , the community had drawn in from its perimeter , sharing its water , its food and its warmth , and distancing itself so far as might be from the walls and the thud of the cannon .
15 St George and the dragon still flew from the walls of Famagusta .
16 The next morning , in solemn cavalcade , James , King of Cyprus rode in to receive the keys of his city , and the flag of St George and the Dragon was dropped from the walls .
17 From the walls framed aldermen stared blandly down at the gathering of some five hundred local people , mostly women , mostly in their twenties and thirties .
18 In addition to hearing the sounds direct from the instruments , you also hear them via reflections from the walls , ceiling , etc .
19 Pushing himself away from the walls of the KGB building , Kirov walked in the direction of the Post Office .
20 And there they were , her ancestors , watching her from the walls .
21 The evidence actually tends to be ambiguous ( West 1969 ; Jones 1979b ) as indications of timberwork at the lip of the pit may be connected with the superstructure and planking in the base may have fallen from the walls or roof lining .
22 They seem to have no colour , although yesterday afternoon 's image is still strong — the canyon glowing deep red in reflected light from the walls , the interior an inferno in the midday sun .
23 But now I was up in the air , and what with the clouds , I lost all my orientation Where the clouds parted , I could see the whole tube , land all around me , and it seemed to go up like a tower , so the town and the factory belt and the parks were hanging from the walls over my head , they were all going to crash down on me , and the city on top of them .
24 Admittedly , the ‘ eat shit — a million flies ca n't be wrong ’ argument never did hold much water , but when every single person in the place is singing ‘ Altogether Now ’ or ‘ Love See No Colour ’ , waving their arms and jumping about , with sweat dripping from the walls , you 'd have to be a hell of a snob not to be slightly moved .
25 All along this corridor , Gargoyle faces and stone hands protrude from the walls .
26 After three rounds of combat here , some Gargoyles will actually emerge from the walls and attack as complete creatures .
27 Brown entrails seemed to bulge from the walls , sprayed with pious mottos .
28 Michael 's foray down the stairs had caused the cockroaches to fall from the walls .
29 Singly and in groups , these aristocratic figures look down on us from the walls of the Crousel-Robelin-Bama gallery , proud survivors of a vanishing world .
30 International art , culture and politics , as immortalised by Pino Settanni , look down on us from the walls of the Hadrian Thomas gallery until 28 June .
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