Example sentences of "from [art] banks " in BNC.

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1 Having survived a financial crisis in the early 1980s , thanks to support from the banks and from a staff prepared to agree to a voluntary wage freeze , the paper is now making money and putting on readers , so why has the management now decided to modernise the title ?
2 Concern centres on the likely shortage of buyers for projects funded on short-term development finance from the banks .
3 However , the success of societies in winning back a bigger market share of mortgage business from the banks was highlighted by the increase in gross home loan advances to £4,157million , a figure topped only once during 1989 .
4 The government borrowed from the banks about four-fifths of these deposits , to finance its deficit .
5 Financing woes have even spread to the steel industry — which until now has always enjoyed special treatment from the banks , brokerages and officialdom .
6 Soon the road bridges would be torn from the banks by the flood waters spewed raging down from the mountains by the incessant rain .
7 Trees were cleared from the banks , and raised flood-banks were built out of the dredged material alongside the stream course .
8 Remember that most shoals of sizeable bream , say fish of more than 3lb , patrol beats well out from the banks .
9 The only place that is well out from the banks on a river is the middle section .
10 The situation does not occur on stillwaters because there is enough water well out from the banks to allow the beats to be separated , if only by a few yards .
11 If it had been impossible for one reason or another to use a boat on the water I would have done the best I could with a plummet and noted what I could see from the banks .
12 The seats were made in a variety of materials , plaited with subtle variations in pattern : freshwater rushes gathered from the banks of the Rhône , rye straw ( top right ) , and wheat straw wrapped with raffia ( bottom right ) were left plain , or stained red , green , yellow , blue or pale purple .
13 The source added : ‘ We have been surprised at the level of interest from the banks . ’
14 Doyle drew his restless gaze from the banks of silent consoles , and the rows of operators , many of them girls hardly out of school , and watched Cowley tear the sheet off and finish his cursory read of the contents .
15 Top analysts reckon that the boom could continue with investors switching their cash from the banks and building societies .
16 From the banks ' point of view , this is perfectly reasonable .
17 In a pre-scheduled address to an international banking conference attended by the Czech and Slovak finance ministers where he was to have delivered a lecture on setting up direct sales operations in Eastern Europe , Kontrax president Gabor Dixco told an embarrassed audience that the global recession , poor financial management and lack of support from the banks were to blame for the company 's collapse .
18 Kontrax had secured the consent of most of its creditors and received ‘ strong support ’ from the banks before the impasse ( CI No 2,148 ) .
19 Stirland stretches from the banks of the Reik to the Worlds Edge Mountains , encompassing forests and rolling hills .
20 Their aim in borrowing money to finance new investment ( either short-term from the banks or longer-term through their public issues of fixed-interest capital ) had simply been to minimise the interest rate paid , an objective Citrine and Self pursued avidly .
21 Keynesians assume that investment expenditures are the more likely to be influenced by changes in interest rates , since raising money to purchase capital goods — perhaps through the issue of equities or through borrowing from the banks — is more attractive when interest rates are lower .
22 This may be home to Mercedes , Bosch , Kodak and Porsche to name but four , but it also offers endless greenery from the banks of the winding Neckar to the baroque palace in the historic heart of the city .
23 Everybody suffered ( apart from the banks ) — but especially third world countries .
24 In the second group , there were those countries , like Kenya , who had never been able to borrow much from the banks .
25 They dig mud from the banks and nudge that into the construction to bind the sticks , leaves and boulders together .
26 Children swam from the banks , and women washed clothes and pots .
27 From the banks we could hear dogs barking .
28 The dark children , swimming from the banks , stopped their play to watch us pass in shy silence .
29 Ranteallo had already confessed to us that much of the problem of fixing a date for the rites had also been the laborious process of raising money from the banks in Makassar .
30 It would work , I explained to him — and it is a demonstration of how something that is essentially simple can on that account have a firmer structure than a more complicated mechanism — by dint of borrowing from the banks a sufficient sum of money for the initial purchase .
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