Example sentences of "from [art] mountains " in BNC.

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1 From the mountains it 's on to stunning waterfalls as you follow the Afon Hellte to Ystradfellte .
2 The derelict gardens were rescued by Davyd , who had moved down from the mountains of Wales to the plains of East Anglia , but remained very Welsh , his accent giving authority to everything he said .
3 Here were swords and rapiers hanging from sashes on panelled walls , delicate figurines set on marble pedestals , statues from across the far China seas , carved elephants and lions from Africa , Javanese dancing girls with jointed limbs , fierce ceremonial masks from the mountains of Indonesia .
4 As Mrs Knelle descended from the mountains , she told me stories attached to various landmarks .
5 When you came back down from the mountains you made some recordings that to this very day have a unique atmosphere about them — the Metamorphosen , the Brahms Requiem — but when you went to England to work with Legge 's Philharmonia there was an added interest to your music-making : the enormous repertory you managed to acquire and record .
6 There were 13 of us , aged 17 — 19 , and we were on a month-long adventure organised by World Challenge Expeditions , a company which offers young people the opportunity to join treks around the world , from the mountains of Nepal to the rainforests of Ecuador .
7 There was bluegrass music from the mountains and blues from the deep south and a building of bridges between both cultures which hitherto had very little real experience of each other .
8 Stocking rates were high near the coast but low in the mountains and the stock produced from the mountains was less marketable .
9 Europe 's highest mountain railway which beings in Grindelwald and climbs through magnificent scenery to the Jungfrau is a must ; and there are excursions to Berne and Lucerne , if you can tear yourself away from the mountains for long enough !
10 Soon the road bridges would be torn from the banks by the flood waters spewed raging down from the mountains by the incessant rain .
11 With the ribbon of blacktop offering a new perspective , he realised that the vortex within which they fled was turning away from the mountains .
12 There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain .
13 Two weeks later the monsoon started : the river swelled under the double overload of heavy rain and melted snow from the mountains .
14 Snow from the mountains were used to make the sherbets of yesteryear , but nowadays we have freezers .
15 A magic sprout from the mountains of Tibet is spun around a type of electronic roulette wheel , the unconscious yearnings of the citizenry acting as an invisible force on the brassica , thus producing an outcome in tune with the true needs of the community .
16 Descending from the mountains , we had seen patches of pale , rasping grass ; pink oleanders in dry stream beds ; black , low , nomads ' tents .
17 Nearing the Sandaig River , which rushes down from the mountains and passes beneath the road to enter the Sound , gated forest roads lead down to the beach where Gavin Maxwell had a cottage he called Camusfearna and wrote his world best-seller about his life there with the sea otters he admitted to his home as companions .
18 Even the railway has charm as it curves on a fine viaduct where the River Finnan comes down from the mountains to enter Loch Shiel , a long and narrow sheet of water passing through high portals to reach green pastures after a serpentine course of seventeen miles .
19 Descending from the mountains onto the Spanish plain , our first view of Montserrat was impressive .
20 Like a thunderbolt the Elves descended from the mountains of Caledor .
21 It was as if a diffuse religious power permeating the whole island was gathered and transferred from the mountains and hillsides to the temples and then , after the destructions of 1470 BC , to just one temple , at Knossos .
22 They drive the Orcs from the mountains and gain control of the whole area between Karak Kadrin and Mad Dog Pass .
23 Metal ores are quite rare in the forests , so the Forest Goblins trade with other Goblin tribes , swapping captives and fungus for ores from the mountains .
24 From the mountains of the east come the Orcish hordes : green-skinned savages with the hearts of beasts and the fury of madmen .
25 Down from the mountains the weather was warmer , without the snow and wind of Canjuers .
26 The best part of the town is on the south bank of the Adour , where it is divided into two by Bayonne 's other river , the Nive , which enters from the south , from the mountains .
27 Luz is green less from the rain — it is actually one of the drier valleys in the High Pyrenees — than from the water it gets from the mountains all around , from the lakes , the glaciers and the seasonal ‘ melt ’ .
28 Cerruti 's house , perched on a high dome of clay , was built primitively by modern standards in 1834 , using huge stones a foot across , washed down from the mountains by the nearby river Cervo .
29 The Beirut camps were attacked from the mountains , not by the Israelis , but by anti-PLO forces .
30 Just then two big wild cats came down to the shore from the mountains .
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