Example sentences of "but he 'd " in BNC.

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1 But he 'd had more lately .
2 He 'd tried several , imitating his Mum 's signature but he 'd scrumpled them up and put them in the waste paper basket .
3 He had n't really believed him but he 'd dug all the same and his Dad had been angry .
4 Their veteran spokesman thundered occasionally from the back benches , but he 'd been banished to the backwoods by popular opinion .
5 Digging might not be classed as essential training , but he 'd been sent on attachment to learn all about real soldiering .
6 Probably Sam kept good tools somewhere , but he 'd hidden them away .
7 But he 'd always refused to sell any of his antiques .
8 But he 'd done neither !
9 But he 'd had that last night — or rather , in the small hours of the morning .
10 He should have made a point of looking at the evening coverage before doing his own piece ; but he 'd seen the people they 'd sent to the press conference at the hospital , dismissed them as unlikely to do a decent job on it , and promptly forgotten them .
11 It was a bad cut , but he 'd shrugged it off .
12 But he 'd never had his leg over , not once in all those years .
13 Mod 's other branches had gone flamboyant or hippy or student or young married , but he 'd stayed staid .
14 I found out he 'd fired his caddie John Moorhouse and then he 'd tried a German lad , but he 'd only lasted the practice round !
15 We 'd entered him in the Novice section , but he 'd been upgraded in the meantime .
16 But he 'd been practising his backhand all year , mentally preparing himself for the North Shore .
17 But he 'd never done well there .
18 And Mr Fry was floating out there in the mistiness , and he was busy wallpapering too but he 'd got the paper in a mess — he 'd put the paste on it and picked it up paste side nearest and it was sticking to him .
19 She 'd agreed with the head lad that there was no need for him to get up extra early , but he 'd insisted on leaving Shine On 's feed already made up .
20 He had only one more room to do , he said , and he should have finished long before this but he 'd been badly delayed in the car on the other side of the dining car , which he had in his care also .
21 Whitehall would have known , but he 'd been told nothing .
22 It was difficult to explain , but he 'd been uneasy for the last few minutes : not an emotion he 'd ever had much experience of before .
23 He looked better , but he 'd been in and out of his wits so many times in the past weeks there was no knowing .
24 But he 'd risked losing everything else too .
25 But he 'd braked suddenly , and broken the momentum .
26 But he 'd stopped now , he was staring at the tissue .
27 ‘ At this moment , yes , but he 'd been promoted to registrar and would have assumed that title in a fortnight 's time . ’
28 That was pretty stupid , because not only was he on the list of residents , but he 'd been seen at mealtimes by several of the other members .
29 It was not his plan , but he 'd been outmanoeuvred and he knew it .
30 Then Louie grins and says : ‘ He is welcome to drink here but he 'd better not choose the chair with its back to the door . ’
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