Example sentences of "she goes out " in BNC.

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1 One time the doctor puts on rubber gloves and says something to Mum , and she goes out , leaving me sitting on the high bed , dangling my legs .
2 One evening soon after , she goes out to the pig yard and hurls defiance against the Almighty : ‘ Go on , call me a hog !
3 Let her parents know about her movements when she goes out at night ; she will tell them where she is and with whom , and let them know what time she 'll be home .
4 Sally 's parents keep themselves aware of her circle of friends and make sure they know where she is going when she goes out .
5 Then I suggest she goes out and buys
6 A couple of times a month she has a drink with the women at work , which is the only time she goes out .
7 She lives with her mam and dad , a cleaner and welder respectively , and does a bit of housework , though her mam still does the cooking , and she goes out once a week .
8 The wife stops in , and one night a week she goes out with her women mates .
9 And with us , she 's met loads of people and she goes out with them a lot through college so
10 She does she goes out and she also goes round and she fund raises for her own for her own er work as well .
11 Her escorts pay when she goes out to restaurants or parties , so Pickles has n't the foggiest idea about money .
12 We never let her out , the only time she goes out is when I take her to the shop .
13 And when we go visiting her mum and my mum , that 's the only time she goes out .
14 the girls of my school have to take the place entirely of the mother of the family ; the families are generally large ; the woman goes out in the morning , she works in a pickle house , if she is a better class woman she goes out charring , or she goes out step cleaning during the day and the little girl takes the place of the mother of the family .
15 the girls of my school have to take the place entirely of the mother of the family ; the families are generally large ; the woman goes out in the morning , she works in a pickle house , if she is a better class woman she goes out charring , or she goes out step cleaning during the day and the little girl takes the place of the mother of the family .
16 She 'll just have it when she goes out with you .
17 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
18 Yeah , well she said , it 's hard you see , cos when they go , she goes out , erm , to a place called Frognapark and they have no public toilets ,
19 Margaret 's there every day , she goes out every morning .
20 when she goes out for a meal she 's got a problem , now if that was me I 'd be having loads of big ones
21 he was like this , then the drying up she goes out and like that . .
22 You come to spend more time together than you are now because you go home in the evenings she goes out .
23 And she goes out into the street and she pulls her skirt up .
24 So she goes out and gets some stuff right ?
25 And she comes back and she goes , so she goes out to Kings Cross right
26 What the one behind the bar she goes out with him ?
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