Example sentences of "she saw the " in BNC.

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1 Jay was knocked out by his work , Francis ecstatic over his tight torn jeans , and Lucy 's eyes lit up when she saw the portfolio .
2 In the end she saw the giant fish-hooks come down down into her and she thought they would haul her out of the depths , but they did not .
3 Suddenly , the track fell away sharply , in front of her feet , and she felt before she saw the expanded horizon .
4 She had laughed then at the vivid imagination of the child , but now for a brief moment she saw the city as Maggie saw it , basking in the first rays of the sun and oblivious to the dangerous mist below that might suck it in before it could wake up and take wing against the now blue blue sky .
5 Now , in the dream influence of the moon , Fenna told Maggie to look down on all the kingdoms of the world , and across China she saw the snaking of the Great Wall .
6 On the southern side she saw the mandarin silks of the beginnings of civilisation and the huge courage of the Long March ; and on the other , to the north , the eternal silence of the greatest desolation .
7 It carried her into the park and only wavered when she saw the playground .
8 She saw the way it was and moved differently .
9 Sheila was emboldened from what she saw the night before to ask Rose when Moran had gone out again .
10 Thereafter , much of Margarete 's unquenchable energies were devoted to telling in books and lectures what she knew of the story which Solzhenitsyn would describe definitively in his Gulag trilogy , and to trying to inoculate the young against the totalitarian virus wherever she thought she saw the threat of it .
11 Out in the darkness , she saw the Post Office door open and Mrs Hollins poke her head out .
12 It sounded nonsense to Jinny , but she saw the boy 's face go pale .
13 She saw the long , strong face go deliberately stiff .
14 As her eyelids flickered up , she saw the expression on the Hare-woman 's face .
15 As she waited for sleep , Dot thought she saw the face of the coat-owner gazing out of the dark with a complexion as pale and refined as tissue-paper .
16 She saw the dark looming bulk of a large building .
17 She called out to the night-nurse who scurried over when she saw the red smear on the stiff white pillowcase .
18 But as soon as she saw the tooth , she lost interest .
19 She thought she saw the Germans still working in the fields , and now they were picking up potatoes from the muddy ground .
20 She saw the same high empty space between the ground and the broken glass roof , she recognized the air which smelled of soot and coal-smoke and was thick as grey soup , and the mottled pigeon-droppings and the grey suits of men , the black hats .
21 She saw the glistening black heads of the seals driving through the waves … .
22 Instead of a white kitchen wall , she saw the wooden walls of the kiosk , dripping red .
23 Behind the gothic-arch pigeon hole , counting out change , she saw the man in boots , the man who had hung about at Faith 's funeral .
24 Of course , we took it , but then she saw the reason .
25 A crash behind her made her turn and she saw the enraged old man had hurled his soup dish at the far wall where it hit the pretty paper and ran in thin trickles down onto the pale-grey carpet .
26 As she turned to retrace the path to the house , she saw the Colonel and his lady slowly and carefully descending between the tamarisks , through the dunes .
27 She saw the Colonel coming towards her , his gun tucked under his arm .
28 SHERYL Garratt says her heart dropped when she saw the ages of the jury .
29 ‘ Are you all right ? ’ she queried when she saw the expression on Susan 's face .
30 She saw the young man hesitate , then veer away .
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