Example sentences of "she 'd just " in BNC.

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1 Jack , still kneeling beside Bunty and holding her hand to his cheek , said , ‘ She 'd just left …
2 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
3 Penelope Huntley let go of it anxiously and said no , that it was perfectly fine , she 'd just been cold outside .
4 The mirror was veined with gold and misted with the scented steam of the bath from which she 'd just emerged .
5 Perhaps she 'd just imagined it , like she 'd imagined the pallid papery men buried in the walls .
6 Then a few days later , the other girl , Sally , came dancing across the playground and said she 'd just got hers back .
7 She 'd done some TV before , but she 'd just left school , and had little knowledge of the working world and MEN .
8 She 'd just been visiting a widow of an old army friend of Yury 's , who had a bad attack of flu .
9 ‘ I see , ’ said April , laying aside the sock she 'd just finished darning .
10 She said it was all just paper talk because she 'd just had a gorgeous postcard from Mark but it gets to them , I can tell you . ’
11 Anne realized that she did n't really want to leave she 'd just wanted a happier home .
12 She 'd just lent me her umbrella , ’ laughed Breeze .
13 She 'd just ridden Spooked like her old self and the horse had run above himself , finishing third in a field of twenty .
14 She 'd just got a job at Simon Peter 's , a twenty-four-hour supermarket chain that catered for all funeral needs .
15 Then drew back quickly , as if she 'd just been burned .
16 She 'd just managed to catch a joyously soaked Ethel when a blond man with a flat cap pulled over his straight nose asked her if she 'd like to sit in his Land-Rover .
17 Boyd Stych , looking strangely civilized in a dark business suit and neatly clipped beard , was informed by his wife , when he came home , that the Advent was sending a photographer and a reporter to see him this evening and he was not to litter up the lounge — she 'd just tidied it .
18 Finally , Mrs M. R. Ault of Gravesend , Kent , wrote to say she 'd just bought a ribber and how could she knit a V-neck band using the ribber .
19 She 'd just finished a seven-day sentence in Holloway prison .
20 And she 'd just had an idea , one which would get them all moving .
21 It had been a glimpse of Gentle , not so unlike the one she 'd just had , that had propelled her into her near-suicidal affair with him .
22 ( She told me later she 'd just been in hospital .
23 A young woman living in a semi-detached house on an unpopular Sheffield estate showed me a letter she 'd just received from the electricity board : " A board employee will … call at your premises to cut off the electricity supply on 9/11/82 .
24 She wore a large white straw hat and looked as if she 'd just been to church .
25 William suggested , because she 'd just bought Mary Ann Evans 's and was always talking about the trouble she was having finding good staff .
26 It was because she 'd just started to sell them at the shop .
27 She 'd just walked in to the nearest doorway and spilled the whole thing to a complete stranger .
28 Choosing to turn a blind eye to the unlikely drama that was unfolding a few feet in front of her , she merely expressed her gratitude for the imitation topaz bangle that she 'd just unwrapped , before turning on her heels and heading downstairs to catch the special seasonal episode of Crossroads .
29 Er , my my natural mother er , actually had me adopted when I was a baby and erm so I was actually adopted by a minister and his wife and I think , erm , I would have been brought up completely differently if she , she 'd just bought me up on her own , you know , so I think erm oh that 's it really .
30 Still it was hard when she 'd just been asked to blow up an orbiting city with almost a million inhabitants .
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