Example sentences of "she have stopped " in BNC.

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1 She has stopped Keith from having cold drinking chocolate which he adores because a neighbour said the additives might be making him hyperactive .
2 She has stopped Keith from having cold drinking chocolate which he adores because a neighbour said that the additives might be making him hyperactive .
3 ( At his voice she has stopped for him , he catches her up . )
4 She 'd stopped riding out with the first lot because of nausea on waking , and Tremayne , far from minding , continually urged her to rest more .
5 She 'd stopped giggling and she said , ‘ Tell me all . ’
6 She 'd stopped for him , though .
7 She cried , because tears are cheap ; and then she 'd stopped , and got by , because nobody gives you anything in this world .
8 He had a bike which she 'd stopped letting him use because it had become dangerous .
9 Even though she 'd stopped to hand out the suits , she was still first into hers .
10 She 'd stopped looking at him .
11 An hour later , she 'd stopped thinking in those precise terms , and was trying to tell herself he 'd been detained .
12 I told her what had happened and she took it all in her stride , and once she 'd stopped laughing about Simon she told me to head for the pub where I 'd dropped Clara .
13 Her handbag had fallen behind the car seat when she 'd stopped at the traffic lights in town so several minutes were lost as she scrabbled for her pass , then when she drove into the car park she could n't immediately find a space and had to drive round several times .
14 She was walking home from a party in the early hours of Sunday morning she 'd stopped to use the toilets in St Giles when she was attacked …
15 He had a limited vocabulary and she had stopped telling him not to be blasphemous twenty years ago .
16 At least , Mrs Huntley thought hopefully , she had stopped wondering , unbecomingly and stridently , how her uncle could have been fooled by Angela Morgan .
17 Jinny remembered it clearly because it had been quite different from all the solemn newspaper cuttings Keith had shown her , and she had stopped to make fun of one or two of Harriet Shakespeare 's more nauseating remarks .
18 Dot found that she had stopped crying and was sitting upright , eating the slice of bread and marrow jam .
19 She had stopped putting her money in the machine with the silver crane .
20 She had stopped crying .
21 She had stopped undertaking her usual tasks within the home , was eating very little and had taken to her bed a few days previously and had not re-emerged .
22 In the seventeen years since his birth she had stopped being a dancer in Miami , become the straight lady to entertainer pinky Lee for a time and , during the war , done her bit for the American effort in the control tower at Willow Run , the central domestic sending centre for the military .
23 If only she had stopped Jack in his tracks , at least made scenes , made a fuss , however mildly accused him , on the occasion of the first girl !
24 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
25 She remonstrated with him and explained that she had stopped because she had never seen such a fish before .
26 If she had stopped to think , she would have remembered that Brown Owl had told the Pack more than once always to seek the help of a grown-up they knew in any case of emergency .
27 He asked when she had stopped crying .
28 She had stopped her antidepressant .
29 By the 1930s she had stopped dancing in the line ; there was hardly time in her schedule , but she and her sister Mabel would sometimes perform a fan dance duet in cine-variety bills .
30 She had stopped her tears with the heel of her hand , and face-paint smeared it .
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