Example sentences of "she [was/were] telling " in BNC.

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1 He wondered if she were telling the truth and decided that it hardly mattered .
2 And er , it went wrong so she took her daughter 's out of her bedroom and using hers and when our John came down she were telling about it so he said oh I 'll take it this Sunday and I 'll fix it for you , of course with John working away he took the television
3 in January the , she were telling me they delivered hundred and fifty nine new cars .
4 and she were telling me the guy that runs it wo n't let them talk to the customers , said that was pig ignorant surely
5 And I could see that this she were telling me .
6 Nigel did not risk arguing in case she was telling the truth .
7 He must have been a stranger to the village , that was why she was telling him .
8 ‘ I guess they realised she was telling lies , ’ said Rozanov .
9 Having misunderstood the irony of the display , she was telling people : ‘ Do n't believe them .
10 But now had she not , just as she was telling herself that she commanded the game , in fact lost her freedom ?
11 She spoke with such hauteur and conviction that even Hoomey wondered whether she was telling lies or the truth .
12 She described carefully what had happened while she was in Horsfall Woods , and to prove she was telling the truth she showed the police-sergeant the torn envelope .
13 She was telling them what they had watched on the breakfast news .
14 When Rebecca Kraemer remarked , as the last murmurs of the slow movement died away , that it was such a pity the conductor was still following the now-discredited Haas edition , she was telling everyone within earshot — which included half the audience — everything that Alison could have wanted them to know but naturally would n't have dreamt of mentioning herself .
15 She said she was finding Eva difficult and that she was telling lies .
16 Mrs Morey was outside , seated on a wooden bench with Corrie on her lap and Lily beside her , both children enthralled with a story she was telling .
17 ‘ I spoke to her the other day at a charity meeting and she was telling me that her poor brother died recently .
18 ‘ My people used to have an estancia in Chorley Wood , ’ she was telling an uncomprehending Mrs Miguel .
19 Joanna 's grandfather was also adamant she was telling the truth .
20 She has n't had any more visions but she was telling me that she sometimes has dreams .
21 She resolved on this but three hours later , having eaten Tom 's Indian takeaway and drunk half Tom 's wine , she was telling him her whole history .
22 She was telling me about Uncle Titch . ’
23 He was telling her about the Ayatollah , and she was telling him about her convent days .
24 As she was telling the shuffling Grimauds that light thickens , and the crow makes wing to the rooky wood , a voice cried above her from the high scaffolding .
25 I was talking to a screw one day and she was telling me that when she 'd wanted to get work in prison she thought she 'd be there to help prisoners .
26 I hope she was telling the truth .
27 And she came in and she was telling us all about it , and another woman who was there , she was the one who , she went over and sat beside here and said , Oh never mind and , You know we we we 'll get it sorted out , and , You 're better off without him .
28 I told her she was telling porkies because I knew for sure that God put it there as a sign he was never going to drown us all again or otherwise wreck the planet .
29 She was telling them a story , and they were sitting on either side of her on the sofa with their mouths hanging slightly open , Gawain meditatively fingering a lock of her long , dark hair , Damian staring at her and absently scratching his balls .
30 Charles was n't sure whether Jacqui believed she was telling the truth or not .
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