Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [to-vb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When he excused himself to go to the bathroom Simone turned to her , her dark eyes shining .
2 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
3 And this is where we 've decided that what we really need is young engineers , in other words er , people who have just entered the profession itself to talk to the school children .
4 We must choose which aspects of ourself to express to the world .
5 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
6 She forced herself to go to the cinema knowing that otherwise she would grow increasingly depressed at home .
7 Mrs Reynolds was in the doorway , almost ready herself to go to the wedding — she never missed a wedding or a funeral — but seeing the procession that approached withdrew back into the shadows of the room to observe better the old cockerel go by followed by his dismayed pullets .
8 Mrs Smith accepted a sherry from her husband and looked resigned about the outcome of the evening and eventually excused herself to see to the dinner , and Mr Smith poured more whiskies and ‘ something harmless ’ for Nutty , which tasted delicious and brought on an amazing feeling of optimism .
9 She forced herself to listen to the service , the man 's responses firm and gruff , the girl 's scarcely audible .
10 Her brother did not know the reason and needed a woman to get close to her , and he was prepared to put up with both Mitch and herself to get to the bottom of things .
11 I felt quite embarrassed and excused myself to go to the cloakroom .
12 I excuse myself to go to the toilet and throw up .
13 But it was n't until a fortnight after the accident , when I took it upon myself to see to the downstairs — particularly the kitchen which was in a state — ready for Auntie 's visit next day , that the riddle was solved .
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