Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [prep] the [num ord] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of his journey , which he revealed to the king 's sister , Adela , countess of Blois , was to excommunicate the king , ‘ for the injury which he had done to God and himself for the last two years and more . ’
2 The Seventh , however , is reined back to the point of stodginess , at least until the white-hot finale and even there one of the trumpets forgets himself in the last three bars .
3 He planned to take care of her himself over the next five days , he told her .
4 The current campaign positioning for Johnnie Walker Black has remained true to itself for the last two and a half decades .
5 He welcomed a recent Government announcement that an extra £25 million would be made available to help his organisation to restructure itself over the next three years .
6 Heads of department from the Soviet trade union centre , the AUCCTU , are expected to visit Congress House in the New Year on a fact-finding mission , and there have been requests for training links to be built between the TUC and the Hungarian trade union body , SZOT , which has been attempting to restructure itself over the last two years .
7 Everything she had tried to achieve for herself during the last four years would have to be tossed away , useless .
8 I have grown it myself for the last twelve years , in a small colony in a north-facing border which maintains itself by self-sown seedlings .
9 Manager Sue Surrey is seen here being presented with the southern regional quarterly audit prize by Eugene Kertzman and CCG client Ewart Wooldridge , and she has no doubt about the reason : ‘ CCG has been here for 12 years , myself for the last seven , and you can put our success down to working together as a team .
10 To them I was just another recruit , and if I did well , got myself through the first six months and became a legionnaire , then I would matter to them because I would be part of their system .
11 ‘ So what have you been doing with yourself for the last five years ? ’ he asked , leaning back in his chair and looking quizzically at her .
12 Familiarise yourself with the next two sections so that you can discuss them with the trainees in a chalk and talk fashion .
13 I 've come to a lot of conclusions about myself within the last four months .
14 These divisions establish themselves in the first five years or so of our lives .
15 In addition , 25% have managed only one issue in the relevant period , and no less than 38% have been in the top 50 for less than four years , excluding those who have established themselves in the last four years .
16 It would be misleading to corrall all the donated works into feminist questioning of gendered identity ; one of the freedoms women have won for themselves over the last 20 years has been precisely those freedoms from conventional definition by gender .
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