Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [verb] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When we then find ourselves confronted by the weary who need sustaining , both in personal conversation and in public worship alike , we have this reservoir to draw on .
2 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
3 Though Yeltsin dropped his idea of a party , Grachev found himself targeted by the anti-presidential opposition at a moment of acute crisis .
4 Charlie found himself mesmerised by the mosaic patterns that covered the inner walls , their tiny squares making up life-size portraits .
5 Robert Smith was a relative of John 's first wife and found himself summoned by the great man to take over the accounts .
6 Brian Whitaker , a former editor of the Sunday Times ‘ Insight ’ team who was responsible for much of the last-minute layout , found himself interrupted by the constant political hubbub .
7 ‘ Craig is my first-born son and I love him dearly , ’ she paused , ‘ but , after what he 's done , Craig must consider himself disowned by the entire Grenfell family . ’
8 A shopkeeper who refused to sell constables cigarettes at a discount and complained of the illegal sale of similar goods to the public from their own trading organization , the Police Guild , could find himself summonsed by the same officers for employing children under age ( which in turn gave rise to the banning of the Police Guild by the Watch Committee ) .
9 Back inside the house , he found himself confronted by the gin-filled man .
10 Then there are the personal perils for breaches of companies legislation which are not only manifold but , supplemented by the Insolvency Act and , where relevant , the Financial Services Act itself amended by the 1989 Companies Act , threaten to catch the unwary at every turn .
11 By notice of appeal dated 26 February 1991 Mr. Pegg appealed against that refusal on the grounds that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in rejecting the proposition that it would be Wednesbury unreasonable for the Secretary of State to fix Mr. Pegg 's tariff ( as a person serving a mandatory term of life imprisonment ) by reference to a period of retribution and deterrence which was higher than that recommended by the judiciary ; ( 2 ) in rejecting submissions that the tariff procedure was in breach of procedural propriety in that the court considered itself bound by the wrong decision of Payne v. Lord Harris of Greenwich [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 754 ; and ( 3 ) in rejecting submissions that the decision to refuse his petition should be quashed and viewing that the tariff belonged solely to the Secretary of State to determine .
12 The first movement quotes from my opera Inquest of Love , itself inspired by The Magic Flute .
13 But this intention is itself undermined by the visual evidence presented to us which has implied Black sexuality and overbreeding to be the cause of the problem .
14 All these factors were intensified by rural population growth , although it was not in itself caused by the family-based allowance scheme .
15 Hence if the Roundabout Motel were to find itself traversed by the proposed M15 bypassing Seachester , it may be compulsorily purchased after the holding of the requisite public inquiry and the approval of the M15 route .
16 ‘ I 'm not a thing , not a work of art to be cherished and admired , a creation whose value will only increase with time , ’ she whispered , wishing she could find the strength to walk away from him , but feeling herself trapped by the powerful presence of his closeness , the warmth of his body , the erotic aura of his total maleness , a strength of spirit which went beyond the mere physical .
17 Such was her hope and her intent , but once launched upon her exposition she quickly found herself confused by the royal actors of the Art .
18 People on our needs register are not swimming in cash , they 're not people who think I shall have a cushy number here , I 'll go and get myself housed by the local authority .
19 During fierce street fighting around the temple of Myrmidia , the warrior goddess of Estalia , a group of knights found themselves surrounded by the dreaded Black Guard led by Emir Wasr the Cruel .
20 They were not overawed by the forbidding tors and jagged rocks , nor felt themselves threatened by the rolling acres of granite uplands .
21 Rural councils have found themselves hamstrung by the centralized control of local authority expenditure ( particularly during the periods of economic stagnation and crisis ) and , in the case of housing , by the imposition of cost yardsticks which rarely take account of the peculiar difficulties which many rural councils face from the heavier costs incurred in housing provision in remote areas .
22 They simply find themselves categorised by the limp thinking of economic commentators .
23 It was particularly galling for the greens to see themselves overtaken by the extreme right National Front , which was being credited last night with 12.5 per cent of the vote but was not expected to win more than a couple of seats .
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