Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [verb] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And get ourselves spitted in the process .
2 We make ourselves known in the village w erm you see we 've got the peace movement at the moment and last year er we always have put a wreath .
3 Raised in extreme poverty he taught himself to paint in the style of Durer , Bosch , Leonardo and other Old Masters .
4 She pushed her way through the crowds to the back of the cab , where another group of nomes were already nomehandling a plank into position , and scrambled up to where Dorcas was trying to make himself heard in the middle of an excited crowd .
5 OK , so Lawrence is enjoying himself pissing in the Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Hall Of Fame but , as the tacky synth gurgles and the Glitter beat stomps and Jonathan 's ‘ Roadrunner ’ is dusted down and ‘ Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep ’ is sampled just to bring that blood to boiling , this uppity little Brummie is trying to liberate us from history , to open our possibilities , to help each and every one of us lay claim to our own personally honest musical heritage .
6 They had left the paddock gate open , and Joe had taken advantage of it to go in search of more of the nice green apples he remembered having enjoyed so much the previous day — but this time he did n't reach Jessica Turvey 's orchard ; he got himself trapped in the marsh .
7 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
8 Beside him , against the wall , he had placed those things he had seen himself use in the dream — a blanket and his old porcelain water-bottle .
9 We shall examine the relation of this new humanism to the history of Western colonialism in a later chapter : it is not a question that Foucault himself elaborates in the course of what is claimed to be an , ethnology of Western culture' .
10 Currie himself squatted in the house to draw attention to the case .
11 It took some time before Willie allowed himself to relax in the water .
12 He now has himself cast in the role of Satan , and I in the role of God Almighty .
13 Wilting under a hail of stones and a hefty dose of the hard stuff , Jimmy Johnstone darted for cover and along with Rangers defender Sandy Jardine found himself hiding in the vicinity of a group of rowing boats .
14 Very clearly he saw himself standing in the BBC Club with Sherlock Forster and hearing the name of Marius Steen , the name that had come to dominate his life .
15 Patrick suddenly found himself standing in the hallway , his heart tripping frantically , his breathing too fast to be comfortable .
16 These women were n't entirely defeated , and they were n't yet buried , their resistance could have been called to bear witness , but Orwell himself participated in the struggle for their exclusion by hiding their history .
17 For a few moments Sandison allowed himself to take in the figure before him and he ignored what had been said .
18 An outbreak of strife in Northumbria would suit Harold very well , I imagine , especially if Siward got himself killed in the course of it .
19 An unsporting Stratford Herald critic , leaving Shakespeare country for a night out in Coventry , could not bring himself to join in the fun .
20 Hazel himself paused in the mouth of the hole , as he always had behind the bramble curtain at home , and looked out across the valley .
21 That same problem is treated in Arguedas 's Deep Rivers , the story of a young boy , Ernesto , who identifies emotionally with the Indians among whom he was brought up and who , on moving to school to receive the education that will equip him to take his place in society , finds himself alienated in the world of the whites .
22 Asshe himself sat in the midst , the long grey beard he had grown for Lear spreading out abundantly , his white hair wild as though on the blasted heath .
23 ‘ He said it did n't matter , ’ another voice joined in , and Edward himself stood in the doorway .
24 Moreover , though he devotes several pages to a description of the work done in these oil refineries , Gallie does not address the question of whether the technology itself differs in the French as compared to the British plants , nor whether details of the work organisation itself differ in a non-random way between the two countries .
25 SCRAM found itself caught in the middle between those who felt nonviolent protest was the only way and those who really wanted to see the whole place go up in smoke .
26 The limited nature of the proposed level of competition is itself accepted in the Electricity Directive :
27 There must be very many such incidents in which his influence has made itself felt in the West Riding ; and many staff and children who , without knowing it , have cause to be grateful for his work for them .
28 ‘ There is confusion in men 's minds and corrosion in their souls , ’ he announced , ‘ The moral force of Christendom can make itself felt in the conduct of nations . ’
29 The influence of these broad parameters makes itself felt in the opening pages of the Report , to the extent that the Committee is prepared to revise its very terms of reference in the light of its wider concerns .
30 The war dragged on , making itself felt in the town .
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