Example sentences of "[pn reflx] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And yet it was inevitable , given our subject matter , that we should find ourselves caught in the inherent conflict between fact and faith .
2 If we examine what it is one participant is ready to see that other participants might read into a situation and what it is that will cause him to provide ritual remedies , followed by relief for these efforts , we find ourselves looking at the central moral traditions of Western culture .
3 We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap .
4 For example , particles like well , anyway , by the way require some meaning specification in a theory of meaning just like all the other words in English ; but when we come to consider what their meaning is , we shall find ourselves referring to the pragmatic mechanisms that produce implicatures .
5 If justice reigns at all , we will find ourselves barred at the first threshold of the underworld .
6 We like mixed-ability teaching in principle — but it 's such hard work ( if you 're not going to cop out and use worksheets all the time ) that we find ourselves longing for the good old days of streaming .
7 When we then find ourselves confronted by the weary who need sustaining , both in personal conversation and in public worship alike , we have this reservoir to draw on .
8 Wycliffe found himself gazing at the white hairs which sprouted from her upper lip and looked quickly away .
9 The novelist has himself referred to the self-generating quality of these works : he seems to provide the reader with a metaphor of the construction of narrative .
10 We know that he himself referred to the daunting shadow of Beethoven 's greatness — and we can assume that public expectation was just as daunting , given that he was regarded as Beethoven 's heir .
11 But they will still usually be only the party faithful , so he will find himself preaching to the converted .
12 James Halden bent his leonine head to make himself heard above the hissing steam .
13 The composer himself joined in the genial disparagement .
14 With the Philharmonia wind players at their vaulting , brilliant best , it was a performance which Porter found himself preferring to the mellower and long-admired Clemens Krauss recordings , which sounded tame by comparison .
15 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
16 To complete the detail , a circuit was flown in formation with the Jodel , whilst Tony himself formated on the two of us .
17 The other main reason is that , having been sidelined by Neil Kinnock last year into the job of transport , Mr Prescott has found himself appearing on the early-evening television and radio bulletins more often than any other member of the Shadow Cabinet .
18 Though Yeltsin dropped his idea of a party , Grachev found himself targeted by the anti-presidential opposition at a moment of acute crisis .
19 But things change quickly at Ferrari and , in 1990 , he found himself swimming against the political tide .
20 But instead of the greed-crazed madman he expected , he found himself looking into the round red face of a Sergeant of the Watch .
21 It was then he knew for certain that the oriental he had just shot was not the one from whom he had wanted to exact retribution for injuring Pam — because at the other end of the corridor he found himself looking into the glittering black eyes of his hated enemy , Angel One .
22 Lewis found himself looking at the back page of The Oxford Times which lay on the desk .
23 Two years later we find Datini himself writing in the same vein to one of his partners in Spain , Cristofano di Bartolo , whom he wished to persuade to come home .
24 I do not know whether the director of The Tallis Scholars was gratified to find himself presented in The New Yorker as an American stereotype of the classy Englishman with a dandyish dress sense , a love of cricket , a public school education leading to Oxford , and a colloquial idiom with a touch of P. G. Wodehouse .
25 As in a Hammer horror film , the anticipation of something dreadful provides the engine to this dream — the seven bearded men 's appalling appearance was not for instance immediately apparent , and even though they removed his clothes and started to eat , there was no explicit imagery of himself implicated in the cannibalistic orgy , tasting flesh — presumably his own .
26 Perhaps he had got himself moved to the bigger town , or perhaps he had gone home to London as some of the children had done .
27 These tales made quite an impression on me as did the story of Uncle Fred 's eldest son , young Fred as he was known , putting on his age and managing to join the Marines when only sixteen , then found himself serving on the same ship as his father during the great battle — something of a unique record .
28 Nicholas felt himself flushing despite the bitter day .
29 All the same , he found himself wondering about the strange animal and , almost as ii he was under some strange influence , he could not get the events out of his mind .
30 He believes — as any political leader must believe , to keep himself going through the grinding work of electioneering — that victory is out there , but that the voters are making the Tories work hard for it .
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