Example sentences of "on the bed " in BNC.

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1 I passed her a cup and then perched on the bed with mine .
2 But Jay sat on the bed , she had brought brandy liqueur and crystal glasses .
3 After a while , Jay could no longer pick her out against the distant sand , and she lay on the bed , under a sheet , downed the last of her drink , and slept .
4 Geraldine sat on the bed and thought for a moment .
5 She sat down on the bed .
6 She went indoors to her room , lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling until a nurse brought lunch .
7 Rodney sat on the bed .
8 She would lie on the bed — just for a moment , she thought — before starting dinner .
9 I slept on the bed with them but they kept falling out , so they bought another bed , for themselves .
10 ‘ She looked at her step-mother but uttered not a single word ; she simply picked up our big drap-de-dames green shawl ( it 's a shawl we all use , a drap-de-dames one ) , and covered her head and face entirely with it ad lay down on the bed with her face to the wall , ad her little shoulders and her whole body were trembling . '
11 ‘ Very good , ’ I replied , placing my pack on the bed .
12 Sweeney 's encounter with ‘ the epileptic on the bed ’ parallels that of Nausicaa not with Odysseus but , more shockingly , with ‘ Polypheme ’ .
13 just as there is a tension between the evolutionary ups and downs of the hairy epileptic on the bed who ‘ Jacknifes upward ’ , and the shaving ‘ Sweeney Erect ’ , so there is set against the prostrate unreason indicated by ‘ The epileptic on the bed [ who ] / Curves backward , clutching at her sides , another woman who later walks upright :
14 just as there is a tension between the evolutionary ups and downs of the hairy epileptic on the bed who ‘ Jacknifes upward ’ , and the shaving ‘ Sweeney Erect ’ , so there is set against the prostrate unreason indicated by ‘ The epileptic on the bed [ who ] / Curves backward , clutching at her sides , another woman who later walks upright :
15 Lying on the bed , naked and waiting , Maggie lost her nerve .
16 The light was on and Phoebe was sitting on the bed with Maggie 's arms wrapped convulsively around her , her scarlet and sparkling body thus partly hidden from her grandmother .
17 Marie 's sitting up on the bed with a packet of fags .
18 Then I sort of hold her hands tight while she rocks back and forward on the bed .
19 She 's lying on the bed , blowing smoke at the ceiling .
20 I go back to my room and lie on the bed .
21 My sleeping bag 's on the floor , and I shove it on the bed quick .
22 He gazed at Frau Nordern as she squeezed past the desk and sat on the bed .
23 Frau Nordern moved uneasily on the bed .
24 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
25 Her father , a neat , spare man , sat on the bed and stroked her hand and said very little beyond the commonplace , putting all his affection and concern into that quiet gesture .
26 He sat down on the bed and let his arms sag .
27 She sat on the bed , as on the sand of some ebb sea , surrounded by a vast loneliness .
28 She came over and sat on the bed beside him .
29 Head clasped in hands , he sprawled on the bed , gasping for air , as the room swayed crazily from side to side .
30 She sat on the bed , mopping his brow .
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