Example sentences of "on [num] march " in BNC.

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1 From Vitebsk it was heard that a railway-wagon workshop meeting convened on 30 March with the aim of helping in the requisition of church valuables broke up because of the ‘ thunderous outcries of believers ’ .
2 Pursuant to the promises made to Parliament , four commissioners were appointed on 30 March 1327 , and sat at Chertsey to decide the fate of the Surrey part of Windsor Forest .
3 The Prince landed in Norfolk , Virginia , on 30 March 1837 , having come by way of Brazil , since the French authorities wanted to be sure of his whereabouts for six months at least .
4 On 30 March , however , an exceptionally violent explosion occurred , blowing off the top 200 metres of the volcano , and propagating a dense eruption cloud which expanded upwards at a speed estimated to be something like 500 metres per second , finally reaching a height of thirty-eight kilometres .
5 On 30 March 1956 one of the most powerful volcanic disturbances this century , the Bezymianny eruption , occurred .
6 Then they moved to Chelmsford by foot , where they stopped until they embarked for France on 30 March 1915 , part of the 145th Infantry Brigade of the 48th Division .
7 He was apprenticed to Professor Coleman in 1796 when aged 15 , and received his certificate from the College on 30 March 1799 ( for some unknown reason , this certificate disappeared for good that very same evening ) .
8 One was seen at Sidlesham Ferry on 30 March 1974 .
9 The chicks have taken Indian names after regions of their natural habitat , Sisquoc was born on 30 March and has more than doubled his weight of 201.9 grams .
10 A week later , on 30 March , Mitchum and Lila Leeds were released on probation .
11 No policy decision can be made however until the next meeting on 30 March .
12 Mr Toubon 's appointment as Minister of Culture , made public just before 8pm on 30 March , was announced a few minutes later over the public address system at the Salon de Mars art fair , which had just opened — to widespread applause .
13 At a meeting of the Moscow nobility on 30 March 1856 , while insisting that he had no immediate plans for Emancipation , Alexander delivered the famous warning : ‘ You yourselves know that the existing order of ruling over living souls can not remain unchanged .
14 In answer to the question ‘ Do you approve or disapprove of the way … is handling his job as President ? ’ the respondents answers are given in Table 2 , which also shows that after the fourth month of Reagan 's first term , and in the wake of the assassination attempt on 30 March , his approval rating rose to 68 per cent .
15 Fr Jim Franks , General Manager of Word Publishing Company of Papua New Guinea , died suddenly on 30 March .
16 Professor Martin Warnke , of Hamburg University , and Andreas Beyer , of the University of Bonn , met and talked at the symposium held in Hamburg on 30 March to mark the centenary of the birth of Erwin Panofsky .
17 On 30 March 1992 the local authority sought and were granted leave under section 100 of the Children Act 1989 to invoke the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court to ‘ determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be given to the minor if he suffers a life-threatening event . ’
18 These pressures notwithstanding , the neighbouring republics of Estonia and Latvia adopted more cautiously-worded declarations of independence on 30 March and 4 May respectively .
19 A republic-wide vote was held on 30 March 1991 in which 90.3 per cent of the population were reported to have taken part , 98.9 per cent of whom expressed support for the restoration of Georgian independence ; following this , on 9 April , the Georgian parliament adopted a further resolution proclaiming the republic a fully independent state ( the act , for the moment , had little practical significance ) .
20 After the demonstration against the Poll Tax on 30 March 1990 , the Home Secretary accused Labour MPs of exhorting people to break the law .
21 Unfortunately , a rather upsetting aspect to the revolutionary planet Uranus , which takes place on 30 March , seems likely to bring a disagreement over finances to a head — and therefore your first priority this April must be to salvage what you can from a rather costly alliance .
22 On 30 March 1827 he married Mary Ann Emma Osmond at St Margaret 's , Westminster .
23 On 30 March 1609 Jones became vice-prefect of the whole Jesuit mission at a time of severe government repression .
24 In July 1628 he became vice-chamberlain to Queen Henrietta Maria , and on 30 March 1629 was unsuccessfully seeking the comptrollership of the household .
25 The Directors approved the financial statements on 30 March 1993 .
26 Index-linked Treasury 2 per cent 1988 was issued in March 1982 and matured on 30 March 1988 .
27 Thus we can calculate the money value of the final coupon payment and principal repayment on 30 March 1988 as follows .
28 On 30 March 1959 the remains of José Antonio Primo de Rivera were transported from the basilica of El Escorial , where they had been buried in 1939 , for reinterment in the Church of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen .
29 The egalitarian implications of this announcement led the Governor-General of Moscow to ask the tsar for clarification , with the result that on 30 March Alexander made the oral remarks which are usually taken to represent the beginning of the emancipation process .
30 Anthony and Maggie Barker will set off from Glasgow on 30 March on their 10-day , 700-mile cycle ride .
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