Example sentences of "with himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The question of what he was to do with himself for the rest of his life was never properly resolved in his mind or anyone else 's , which perhaps accounts for his periodic assaults on the whiskey bottle — what Minto called ‘ Warnie 's benders ’ .
2 Teversham was unnerved by the nearness of the following Land Rover and irritated with himself for missing an elementary point .
3 Philip was sick with himself for letting him go .
4 Winser was looking disgusted with himself for being caught .
5 For days he 'd been in the blackest of moods , furious with her for wasting herself on a man old enough to be her father , and even more furious with himself for not having taken her forcefully after that Christmas evening when he 'd known her feelings were as inflamed as his own .
6 Angry as he was at the directors for failing to appreciate his talents and not understanding what he was driving at , Dustin was angrier with himself for losing jobs .
7 Until , that is , he realises what he has done , and feels cross with himself for walking into an emotional trap of his own unconscious devising .
8 He still showed little emotional reaction though he was evidently angry with himself for letting his natural arrogance be so easily quashed .
9 Freddie the Nark sat back in the cab , feeling very pleased with himself for the way he had handled such a tricky situation .
10 His salacious grin faltered then disappeared and he glared at her , furious with himself for being tricked so easily .
11 He was irritated with himself for being so pathetic .
12 Before I could reply he took himself up quickly , as if angry with himself for asking .
13 ‘ How are you ? ’ he asked , and was annoyed with himself for sounding so effusive .
14 He found he was angry with himself for leaving his seat ; he had badly wanted to hear what his father was about to say , but the all-too-familiar sound of him praising his brother had produced its usual feeling of agitation .
15 He stepped away from the phone , angry with Scott for disturbing him but also angry with himself for being so jumpy .
16 He was angry with himself for what he had let slip .
17 Ted puffed energetically at his , uncertain yet whether to congratulate himself on being parked up here with this very attractive young girl , or to commiserate with himself for his failure to make more than token progress .
18 Driving back from seeing Ray Darby , Wickham was stern with himself for having twice in one day fallen into reminiscence about Vanessa .
19 However , the frown on his face did not surprise her , as it probably meant he was annoyed with himself for having been quite so fervent in the way he 'd crushed her lips beneath his own .
20 He was not pleased with himself for his behaviour , but it worked .
21 Thereafter the truly experienced Phillips-watcher will know that he is to be found in the corner of the studio conducting a vehement argument with himself on the subject of whatever he just did n't tell you , and will shortly be sending an assistant back to pick up his hat .
22 For our purposes , the distinction could be that a diary is written at the time of the event , memoirs are a writer 's recollections of a particular period ( perhaps aided by diaries ) in which he was not necessarily the central character , while an autobiography is an attempt to give a systematic and chronological record of the author 's life , with himself at the centre of the story .
23 What he expected was to see the Labour Government driven into an election either by its own dissensions or by the action of the Liberals , and its consequent replacement by a Conservative administration , obviously with himself at the head .
24 He thought briefly about Surere again , and wondered with something akin to panic whether he would reappear ; then , angered with himself at this disloyalty to a former colleague and certainly a fellow-sufferer under the new regime , he dismissed the matter and concentrated instead on what he would say to Taheb .
25 And Malone is even managing to get in trouble with himself at the moment .
26 John Ashenden , seated alone in the front nearside seat , debated with himself about reaching for the microphone and saying a few words about Somerville College , the Radcliffe Infirmary , the Tower of the Winds , the large , late nineteenth-century redbrick residences , St Edward 's School …
27 The food certainly does not wear a hair shirt , and nor does Rex , ebullient and gregarious , ensuring a meal at his place is a sort of crazy party with himself as the slightly eccentric host .
28 William Booth , a Methodist local preacher , began evangelical and rescue work in the East End of London in 1865 , and that eventually led , in 1878 to the first formation of the Salvation Army , with himself as the General in charge .
29 His film of Henry V , with himself as the rabble rousing monarch backed by a troupe of glittering British heavyweights , opens on October 6 .
30 Manson was so pleased with the ensuing panic that rippled through Hollywood after the murders were discovered that he organised another raid , this time with himself as the leader .
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