Example sentences of "with the larger " in BNC.

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1 In such work there is an opportunity for English to , in a sense , escape from the academy , literally to go extra-mural , and to re-establish those connections with the larger society that were originally part of its raison d'être .
2 The whole question of our relations with the Americans on atomic energy questions seems to me bound up with the larger issue of the extent to which the Americans are prepared to treat us on more or less equal terms as a first-class power .
3 The Christian community lived in perpetual proximity , even intimacy , with the larger community of which it felt itself to be a part .
4 With the larger events , however , the net has to be cast wider and an individual 's decision on whether to attend will undoubtedly be influenced by the convenience factor .
5 The son of a Baptist minister , he was familiar with regular district meetings for small chapel groups to provide a sense of unity and broader identity with the larger movement of the Baptist Union , through regular contact and fellowship .
6 The Board would have exclusive responsibility in those ‘ … centres of population less than 6,000 in the counties concerned ’ with the larger urban centres as the exclusive preserve of the District .
7 The best way to lock the wheels onto the vehicle is to change the hubs for later S2 or S3 with the larger studs .
8 When fitting 8 spokes all the load is on the studs as it is with RR wheels and should only be used with the larger studs .
9 Churchs found itself unable to compete any longer with the larger mills .
10 ‘ We talk with thirty thousand people a year for two thousand dollars , ’ he said proudly , contrasting that figure with the larger , better-funded organisations .
11 When required to learn a further discrimination involving these same cues but a different response ( for example , a reversal in which a simple push to the previously non-rewarded cue now yielded reward ) the animals pre-trained with the larger magnitude response learned more readily .
12 But such compromises should be made with the larger goal always in view , rather than , as at present , as a consequence of the self-interested lobbying of powerful groups .
13 Car 4 is one of two small cars — the other was 3 — which were built by the Lancaster Carriage and Wagon Company , along with the larger 5 and 6 and trailers 9 and 10 .
14 Later , as he rode home in the cool night air , a vision of old Bert 's delighted face as he presented him with the larger fish invaded his mind 's eye , and filled him with contentment .
15 If we regard the brain as a kind of three- dimensional map of the environment , then those with the larger , more complex environment need larger maps .
16 There is a much greater homogeneity and community of interest and value systems about the Western European states which are parties to the convention than is the case with the world community generally ; it is possible to prescribe with much greater precision and consistency the standards sought to be attained and , once attained , their observance is rendered much more likely , even without special enforcement procedures , by the social and economic interdependence and intercourse with prevails in Western European society as compared with the larger world community .
17 A similar but more conventionally coloured filter , model 2207 , is still available in Eheim 's familiar green livery , along with the larger models in their range .
18 As a ‘ for instance ’ , I was recently perturbed by an apparent leak in the smaller of my two ponds , which shares a common circulatory system with the larger Koi pool , and is fed by a return waterfall .
19 Then a snowballing effect takes over , with the larger lumps able to grow larger still because their own gravity would attract other particles as they sweep along in their own orbit .
20 Robson Rhodes ' national head of audit , Bill Smith , believes that the fault lies with the professional bodies , as much as with the larger firms .
21 This interpretation squares up with the survey 's finding that people were most likely to apply the critical comment ‘ you feel you 'd never finish paying ’ to the two types of credit which , though not in themselves necessitating long repayment schedules , tend to be associated with the larger loans which would impose long schedules on a ‘ rationed ’ consumer .
22 I began the basic structure of the rose leaves in the bottom left of the picture and then built up the shape with the larger open roses , tucking the asparagus fern and gypsophila behind them , and finally put the buds into position .
23 Brailsford deplored the incapacity of pacifists to get to grips with the larger drift of British foreign policy — the effective entry of Britain into the European alliance system .
24 Later in the war , as we shall see , the engineers ' struggle came close to merging with the larger pacifist cause : In 1916 , however , the brunt of resistance to the Military Service Act fell on those who were prepared to resist it directly — the conscientious objectors .
25 However , many within the Mid Essex Mental Health Services Unit remain deeply unhappy about being refused a merger with the larger hospital trust based at Broomfield in Chelmsford .
26 On occasions their function is much clearer than with the larger rectangular structures ; for instance , at West Stow 9 per cent of the sunken buildings contained weaving and textile-related equipment .
27 Performance with the larger lexicon showed some deterioration .
28 As we are dealing with the larger species of Cichlasoma our suggestions will be aimed at this group of fish .
29 Dealing with the larger crabs was that outstanding bird , the crab plover .
30 Independently of whether such arguments have any bearing on the duration of sympatry between cuckoos and magpies , it is clear that with the larger sample sizes of our data , many of the trends oppose those claimed by Soler and Möller .
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