Example sentences of "with the boys " in BNC.

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1 Oh , I did my homework , while you were screaming along with the boys !
2 After thanking the chief , we continued up the mountain with the boys leading the way .
3 ‘ Lew was a very communicative chap , who liked to discuss the musical arrangements with the boys in the band , ’ he remembered .
4 By this time Angie had entered his life and she was going off with the ladies and he was going off with the boys — and that 's the way it was . ’
5 But from the same Grammar School period Edward recalls in detail ‘ the Sunday dinner anger , which became almost a regular thing , , with the boys tittering and refusing to discuss the topic of the morning 's sermon until they received a lecture or abuse from their father , at this ‘ almost the only meal as a rule which the whole family had together ’ .
6 He was celebrating a new job at Christmas and went out with the boys in his smart pin-stripes .
7 It was terribly hard work , even with the boys helping .
8 I 'd start my shift and think ‘ What am I going to do with the boys tonight ? ’
9 The 16th had close ties with the Boys ' Brigade , with flags presented by the Trades ' House of Glasgow .
10 He was very excited and arranged extra meetings with the boys he had chosen as climbers so they could practise their skills .
11 The nice thing is that , at least in music , the girls are on par with the boys .
12 They were the schools attended by the children of parents able to pay a modest but not negligible fee , together with the boys and girls who had by their own ability won a free or subsidized place .
13 In 1957 a girls ' secondary modern was opened , sharing a large site but not much else either with the boys ' secondary modern or ( still less ) with the Grammar School .
14 Nutty found both the running and swimming hard , but had no option but to keep up with the boys .
15 And Rafferty 's Bar was n't the same with the boys running it now .
16 It is certainly not without significance that the Association always maintained a link with the new youth movement by aligning itself with the Boys ' Brigade and playing an active role in the formation of the Scouts .
17 In the attempt to provide good influences , officers were advised to cultivate personal contacts : to become friends with the boys , to invite them home for tea and to visit their homes ; they were to encourage their charges to have confidence in them and never to break faith ; above all , they were told , never ‘ miss an opportunity of strengthening your hold over them ’ .
18 She would play noisily with the boys , copying their vocabulary and phrases .
19 Well as he says when he 's at home he likes to get down the pub with the boys for a pint because of course it is dry Up There .
20 He goes for walks with the boys and they talk about fishing and tractors . ’
21 A young wife may assume that her husband will come shopping with her and he may take it for granted that she will stay at home while he goes to the local football match , or plays golf with the boys .
22 Always with the boys .
23 Throughout the Blitz , Lottie regularly trooped down to the Anderson shelter at the bottom of the garden with the boys and her baby daughter in a Moses basket .
24 With the boys he was reliable , dependable and consistent , a proper parent , and , while I refuse to whip myself any longer with the thought that I was a bad mother , I will admit to being unconventional .
25 After the hour-long service Diana drove off with the boys in the back to Kensington Palace .
26 I think the gaffer likes us to stay with the boys and be part of the build-up .
27 For both Jack and Dorothy there is the sadness of leaving family and friends , church and fellowship group to establish a home with the boys in a strange country ( England ! ) .
28 For example , you would n't consider hair dryers to have a gender but it seems that they do and masculine black is popular with the boys .
29 In conversation with the boys they learnt of Minton 's homosexuality and though this ruled him out as a potential husband it did not diminish their desire to be in his company .
30 Tonight , professional , I walked with the boys
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