Example sentences of "with the further " in BNC.

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1 A fuller reply to negative criticism of postmodernism , however , can be made with the further evidence of a brief survey of ways in which postmodernism has followed from modernism 's second area of innovation — chronology and structure .
2 It has also co-operated with the further education sector in Northern Ireland to develop BTEC courses at National Diploma level , both as an expansion of existing provision and as an alternative to the Certificate in Foundation Studies offered by the University .
3 The army press office reacted with the further press statement : Shortly after midday a mobile patrol wearing plain clothes and on surveillance duty was travelling eastwards on the Glen Road .
4 They were the banker of the Condor missile development on which Argentina co-operated , with the further expertise of Egyptian engineers .
5 Emulex Corp , Costa Mesa , California will be taking a charge against its third quarter figures for the period to March 28 that could result in a loss for the period : operating profit will be lower than the $2.6m reported in the second quarter because of lower revenues in the Network Systems Division ; the unspecified restructuring charge stems both from costs associated with the further consolidation of manufacturing operations to Puerto Rico from Costa Mesa , and from some lay-offs in the sales administration sector ; the charge will be less than $1.0m .
6 Bearing this in mind , together with the further possibility of reprovisioning the redesigned space station using Russian rockets , NASA 's review team is considering an orbit for its station that would be inclined at 51.6 to the equator — the sort of orbit that can be reached from the launch sites the Russians use .
7 From the fact that it was chosen by lot , with the further provision that no one might serve on it more than two years in his life , it is clear that the Athenians of the fifth and fourth centuries intended that the council should have no chance of developing a corporate sense , which would enable it to take on an independent life , and wished it to be merely a fair sample of the Athenian people , whose views would naturally coincide with those of the people .
8 Furthermore , people often associate the feeling that families are part of human nature with the further assumption that families are good for you .
9 The triple alliance which I originally sought to conclude after the peace of Frankfurt and about which I had already sounded Vienna and St. Petersburg in September 1870 , was an alliance of the three Emperors with the further idea of bringing into it monarchical Italy .
10 The Triple Alliance , which I first tried to arrange after the Franco-Prussian War , and about which I had already approached Austria and Russia in 1870 , was an alliance of three Emperors , with the further idea of including the King of Italy .
11 Finally , as in England , the MSC in Wales , together with the further education colleges , is busily making preparations for the introduction in September 1983 of the Youth Training Scheme , a programme which will greatly increase the pressure on the colleges , to provide suitable courses of further education .
12 For the authorities , and for most economists too , the significance of the monetary sector lies in its ability to create money with the further possible consequence that this will affect the level of aggregate demand .
13 Previous dramatic increases in uptake have now begun to level off , with changing patterns within the participating sectors now becoming more significant ; for example , schools ' candidate registrations have almost reached parity with the further education sector .
14 Whereas the district in which we live is under an agreement between the three great companies — the Midland being one — that not one of them shall promote a railway in the district without the consent of all three companies ; the continuation of the Bishop 's Castle line is now saddled with the further condition that it shall not be made independently of the Corvedale line , whereas a proposal was made by one of the largest shareholders in the Cambrian to complete it independently of any other line .
15 All the familiar features , the problems and the objectionable unfairnesses of the poll tax are there , but this time combined with the further complications of a totally new and untried property tax .
16 To select the preferred party we will need final offer prices , terms and conditions which will mean having to provide the short listed parties with the further information necessary for them to make a firm offer .
17 This will comprise the 10 core modules ( totalling 13 full module equivalents ) with the further 5 module equivalents to be drawn from the optional modules detailed below .
18 The fact that the sentences of ( 35 ) would be marginal or outright unacceptable if to be were omitted is in itself a datum worth taking into account , along with the further fact that to be can also be inserted into the statement forms in ( 33 ) .
19 One of these deals with the further processing of base petrochemical feedstocks into first-stage derivatives : the oxidation of ethylene to ethylene oxide and then its conversion to ethylene glycol is a good example .
20 With the Further Education Centre now providing facilities for some 40 or more physical activity and Yoga classes , someone had to get her foot in at the door in those early days !
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