Example sentences of "with proper [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is only one solution to bad knots — cut them out and start from scratch with proper brushing .
2 She had little time to care for herself , and even less time for planning and preparing meals with proper thought and care .
3 But delegates reacted favourably to calls for tougher sentencing , with proper life terms .
4 But delegates reacted favourable to calls for tougher sentencing , with proper life terms .
5 Contempt of Court — Committal order — Civil contempt — Failure to serve committal orders on contemnors in compliance with proper procedures — Whether irregularity invalidating committals — Whether orders to be set aside — Administration of Justice Act 1960 ( 8 & 9 Eliz. 2 , c. 65 ) , s. 13(3)County Court Rules 1981 ( S.I .
6 It 's their intention to leave the boat station there , but as a boat hiring station only , and to let rent that to somebody , not to have boat building enterprises , not to have a car park , not to have a chandlery and so on which was put there by the person whose who used to own it , and we will recoup all of that money from renting that boat station so it can be run as a boat hiring station again , and from three or four of the moorings that are will have been there for a long time , with proper permission .
7 Alternatively , the tests can be carried out free on the NHS , and although the NHS clinics and hospitals are unlikely to be able to provide an answer within one month , Mr Goswamy believes that , with proper organisation , a three month programme should be possible on the NHS .
8 That is why it is essential that we make progress with the Bill as quickly as possible , consistent with proper discussion and consultation — not so much consultation as consideration — in the House .
9 Mother Earth are a proper band with proper instruments ( if that matter to you ) and they make a proper noise .
10 And if you are going to recognise that reality , then you also need to ensure that you are able to deal with it effectively and with proper accountability .
11 Much really depends on the quality of opportunities open to you to refresh old skills , and to introduce new ones on a sensible timescale and with proper supervision and support .
12 Mrs Hollidaye found Gloria a blue suitcase with proper metal clips to pack their things in .
13 The patient 's affected side should work again with proper co-ordination within the whole body system .
14 This provides that the house will be built in an efficient and workmanlike manner , with proper materials and be fit for human habitation .
15 This branch of medicine owes much to the pioneering efforts of Marjorie Warren who demonstrated that , with proper assessment and rehabilitation , many of the elderly in these chronic sick establishments could be returned to independent living .
16 A human touch was added to Nash 's report : ‘ I could heartily wish more respect were paid to the remains of this amiable though unfortunate Queen , and would willingly , with proper leave , have them wrapt in another sheet of lead and coffin , and decently interred in some proper place , that at least after her death her body might remain in peace ; whereas the Chapel where she now lies is used for the keeping of rabbits , which make holes and scratch very indecently about her Royal corpse . ’
17 When you read an authority , do so slowly , with proper periods and emphasis .
18 Our workshop , on Staff Development for Language Teachers in Secondary Schools , although highlighting the informal possibilities which can be developed by committed teachers operating collectively wherever they happen to be working , was not intended to weaken the case for proper provision for community languages with proper validation of the existing expertise .
19 1817 " The Meeting impressd , with the distress of the Tenantry of the Island from the reduced state of the Price of Black Cattle &c. ; conceive it proper and necessary to make application to Shawfield and his Trustees for a reduction of Rent while the times continue so oppressing , but with proper delicacy to this subject they decline making application at Present and till it is ascertained how cattle markets may go in June next … "
20 In Section 2 , a summary of the workshop plan will be provided along with proper contextualisation of the Hemingway short story .
21 They only lasted a short period , but the Command engineer followed up at once with proper drawings aid specified the correct heat resisting metal .
22 They try to manage for themselves something that can not be managed , but needs only to be accepted with proper gratitude and clear insight into the nature of the giver .
23 Their Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus from the West Indies had been lost but he had seen one in the physic garden at Amsterdam where , with proper management , it was in great vigour .
24 With proper management it should be possible to produce denser belts specifically designed to reduce noise .
25 Thus , a proportion of the land , usually near the villages and suitable for agriculture , is retained providing , with proper management , it can go on producing crops at a reasonable level .
26 We will require LEAs to guarantee a suitable place , with proper support , for every child in education and training up to the age of 19 .
27 Secondly , children in care , we 're helping them get out of care as fast as they can , and we 're helping them get set up properly , with proper support and so on .
28 Clare told me he 'd taken rather a lot of convincing — once he 'd determined to do the slightly naff champagne-pyramid stunt in the first place — not to try doing it with proper champagne flutes but to use the perry glasses like everybody else did ; too tall , too unstable otherwise .
29 But surveys by the Health and Safety Executive have shown that farmers and workers often dispense with proper protection because it is impractical .
30 There 's capuccino with proper croissants for breakfast , and Vivaldi on the sound system at the News Cafe on Ocean Drive .
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