Example sentences of "[been] tell [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ From what Superintending Constable Aplin 's been telling me along the way , if we can solve one , we 're likely to find the perpetrator of the other .
2 Colin Pawson , the Royal Mail 's head of philatelic marketing , has been telling me of the energy stored in the gum on the back .
3 IAN KNOX of Ardglass has been telling me of the hazards of his favourite pastime , riding penny-farthing bicycles .
4 MODEL Sophia Berggren has been telling me about the unusual special effects used for her current Clairol hair colouring advertisement .
5 ‘ You have just been telling me about the steamy heat of New York in summer — and now you 're moaning about the cold weather here in London ! ’
6 In doing so , he had to jettison most of what those close to him had been telling him for the past 16 months .
7 He 's been telling them at the public house that you 'll help his noble family become great again .
8 I have been telling them about the different sensitivity which Asian women have to their babies and the fact that you ca n't just go up to an Asian woman with the diet leaflet and say you should be giving your baby Cod Liver Oil , because 90 per cent of Asians in Wandsworth are vegetarians .
9 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
10 Only ten minutes before , the current owner of the Rose Bowl , the rather oppressively genteel Miss Philimore , had been telling her about the wealthy local businessman who was one of the Rose Bowl 's best customers …
11 You 've put me down for holidays in September and I 've been telling you about the cruise in October for months .
12 When I 've written to you in the past , it 's usually been to tell you about the developments of some of our long term programmes .
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