Example sentences of "[been] make [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But most certainly the road to the latter , with its decadence and exploitation , has been made a great deal smoother , shorter and more popular by the compromise and self-interest of the clerics and assorted fellow travellers of the so-called ‘ new morality ’ school .
2 However , it has , in the past , been made a legal offence to rely on customer inertia ; notably in unsolicited postal selling .
3 The water up to 500 metres around the ship has now been made a no-go area , for fear any oil still in the wreck could be a danger to life and property .
4 But the decision made itself , as if it had been made a long time before .
5 Since this case it has been made a criminal offence not to wear a seat belt in the front seat of a car .
6 Trade sanctions have been threatened and copyright has been made a high-profile issue in international negotiations .
7 Yet it is hardly likely that even if links had been made a ramshackle group of peasant armies using antiquated military techniques could have stood out for long against the Red Army .
8 ‘ No , the wall has been made a permanent fixture , I 'm afraid . ’
9 It was announced on Dec. 18 that former Foreign Minister Acheikh bin Oumar had been made a special councillor to Déby .
10 The base has been made a free port and special economic zone .
11 In many ways this was a sensible policy since even if Danzig had not been made a Free City and had remained within the long arm of Prussia , the local economy was too poor to maintain it for long ; a German Danzig would still have been forced to rely upon a distant Vistula hinterland .
12 Foreman , 43 , has been made the overwhelming favourite to earn his 26th win since he began his unlikely comeback five years ago .
13 Jonathan Phiri has been made the Acting Director of the Africa Literature Centre in Kitwe , Zambia .
14 This is where the swans have been spending the regatta — at Egham just off the M25 in Surrey — it 's just been made the national swan sanctuary and has around 100 birds at any one time .
15 I have been made the Cultural Counsellor of the Italian Embassy , for example .
16 The divine has long been made an intimate participant in male experiences of violence , in war and in political martyrdom .
17 She was a dignified octogenarian aristocrat who had been made an honorary Chief-Corporal in the Regiment since she had served with it in World War Two .
18 He is a keen follower of football and cricket and has recently been made an honorary vice-president of Altrincham FC .
19 Gwendolen Truda Brock ( Sister Truda C. R. ) who spent 1927–8 at Somerville as a research student from South Africa working for her Zoology D. Phil under Professor Goodrich has been made an Honorary Doctor of Laws of Rhodes University .
20 ‘ You 've been making a bloody exception in my case ever since I 've been on the corporate payroll ’ he yelled .
21 From Java to Iowa , dedicated farmers and gardeners have been making a mighty effort to secure our future food supply .
22 Had she been making a genuine decision to refuse the treatment , it would be necessary in a case such as this to find out if the patient had received any advice as to the consequences of a refusal to accept treatment .
23 Now , as well as consuming the dry-roasted peanuts , you have also been making a close study of my wallpaper .
24 ‘ Ben had been making a new dress for the end of Act I which he promised to bring to Shepherd 's Bush by 5.45 pm , in time for my appearance .
25 With the New Year legislation , many drivers have have been making a New Year resolution to steer clear of trouble .
26 His brother Dmitrii had been making a good case for emancipation at the War Ministry , but his own importance , in the long run , was to be greater .
27 AN archaeological site 's management officer has been making a clean sweep of Clwyd 's ancient monuments .
28 The House will be grateful to the right hon. Gentleman , because he has been making a clear statement and drawing a clear distinction between the two sides of the House .
29 Despite its poverty and its international isolation , Vietnam has been making a unique attempt to restore its tropical forest , one-fifth of which was lost in 20 years of war and its own mistakes .
30 Following legislative reforms , it has recently been making a big drive for personal pensions business which has proved successful .
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