Example sentences of "[been] do in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it has been shown that few of the innovations of this period were without precedent in the policies of earlier years , and that much of the crucial thinking about the form these new institutions should take had been done in the inter war period .
2 This could also have been done in the penultimate chord , but we have chosen to avoid it by using a bass ( E ) which is mildly dissonant with an upper note ( F ) . )
3 Most work has been done in the visible and near-UV regions ( wavelengths 700–200 nm ; frequencies 14 000–50 000 cm -1 ) where photographic recording is easy , and glass or quartz optics are ideal .
4 This may have been done in the Middle Ages , but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards .
5 ‘ How she was able to effect all this ’ , her nephew writes in his Memoir , ‘ is surprising , for she had no separate study to repair to , and most of the work must have been done in the general sitting-room , subject to all kinds of casual interruptions .
6 However , it could be argued , as has been done in the related literature on labour hoarding ( see Greer/Rhoades , 1977 ) , that establishments in a dominant market position might develop the organisational capacity to maintain more stable employment in the face of demand fluctuations , and WIRS does provide management 's assessment of sensitivity of output to price changes by competitors — a good indicator of the degree of market dominance .
7 Much has been done in the past few months , but more needs to be done .
8 Although a great deal of work has been done in the historical demography of the developed world relatively little research has been carried out in relation to the corresponding ( i.e. pre-demographic transition ) period in the Third World .
9 Works had been done in the adjoining street by the Commissioners for executing the Act , the expenses of which , under the provisions of their Act , they charged on the owners of the adjoining houses .
10 Most work on fossil dolphins has been done in the Northern Hemisphere , and little is yet known about the South .
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