Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Evidently the sound that has been heard in the upper room is not just in the upper room but it 's er it 's audible within the whole district .
2 The problem has been recognized in the International Relations literature , especially since the rise of Behaviouralism in the 1950s .
3 The party has been placed in the impossible position of choosing a leader to fight the next election when it has not yet had the opportunity to discuss why it lost the last one .
4 Andrew , after prolonged and rather unintelligent delinquency , has been placed in the secure unit of a community house with education .
5 Andrew , after prolonged and rather unintelligent delinquency , has been placed in the secure unit of a community house with education .
6 Danie Visser took the opportunity of his selection to South Africa 's first Davis Cup team to be announced since 1978 , to protest that they have been placed in the bottom Group , so that it will take them at least three years to qualify for the World Group .
7 It is clear that many Opposition Members , and possibly some Conservative Members , have received letters telling us that claims could not be paid because a bill board had been placed in the social security office .
8 Andy Roxburgh 's Scots have been placed in the second-draw section , along with Spain , the Soviet Union , Austria , Yugoslavia and Holland .
9 Andy Roxburgh 's Scots have been placed in the second-draw section , along with Spain , the Soviet Union , Austria , Yugoslavia and Holland .
10 Notification of the compulsory purchase order has been placed in the public press .
11 The House of Lords in two subsequent cases has retreated from the position it adopted in the original litigation , by making plain that the Government must prove some damage to the national interest and that no such damage can be established where the information has already been placed in the public domain by being published abroad .
12 During the hearing Michael Grade , chief executive of Channel Four , said that his company had " been placed in the invidious position of having to choose between breaking the law and putting individual lives in danger " .
13 She has been treated in the Royal Alexandra Hospital , Brighton .
14 Will my right hon. Friend undertake that when she next talks to the leaders of Kenya she will communicate the grave anxiety felt in the House about human rights in Kenya and the way in which some opposition politicians are being treated and have been treated in the past few years ?
15 Only F. hirthi has been diagnosed in the live animal and this was in experimental dogs .
16 General SVQs have recently been accredited in the following broad occupational areas :
17 On Sept. 9 John Joseph Kamotho , secretary-general of the ruling Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) , threatened to " de-register " the Law Society of Kenya , whose chairman , Paul Muite , had been criticized in the pro-government media for his calls for political reform since his appointment in March [ see p. 38182 ] .
18 Indeed , as has already been highlighted in the previous discussion of cultural politics , the opposition between progressive and reactionary forces became so marked with the rise of fascism that it was less a question of reactionary versus progressive culture , than a struggle for the very existence of culture itself .
19 When questions , for example on morbidity , had been validated in the General Household Survey , it would be possible to include them in the Resource Allocation Survey .
20 All the terms used have been explained in the previous section with the exception of the statistical discrepancy .
21 The model has been developed in the late 1970s by a new wave of American elite theorists ( Krasner , 1978 ; Skocpol , 1979 ; Nordlinger , 1981 ) influenced by both the political realism of classical elite theory and by the neo-Marxist focus upon the relative autonomy of the capitalist state ( pp. 243 — 6 ) .
22 Many of the shapes that had been developed in the Early Minoan nevertheless continued in use , especially the one-handled cup and the jar with a short spout on its shoulder , bridged by the rim .
23 As might be expected , policy rules of quite formidable complexity have been developed in the rational expectations literature , the best known of these being that proposed by Barro ( 1977 ) in which he attempts to model the process by which the growth in the money supply is determined and , on the basis of the prediction of what the money supply should have been given known values for its determining variables , to derive a time series for ‘ anticipated ’ changes in the money supply .
24 Secondly , in order to maximize the use of scarce capital resources , industries were selected that could utilize the backlog of technological change that had been developed in the Western economies .
25 The canal boatmen who came to live in Fisher Row upon the opening of the Oxford Canal in 1790 were a colourful group with distinctive dress , customs and style of boat decoration which had been developed in the previous two decades upon the canals of the Midlands .
26 Although various endoscopic treatments have been developed in the past 10 years , heat probe thermocoagulation and multipolar electrocoagulation are the two most promising techniques for treating bleeding peptic ulcers .
27 The church was deconsecrated in the early nineteenth-century and converted into a warehouse , at which time its art treasures were moved out to the Brera where they still remain , despite the church having been reconsecrated in the twentieth-century .
28 No more detailed official guidance has been given in the succeeding years .
29 Nor is it an easy pink to obtain : in order that pink light should frame the shape of the little opera house and its windows all glow pink , 2,000 light bulbs were removed and replaced with others which workaday electricians ' pink not being the thing at all — had all been painted in the requisite shade by hand .
30 First air-tested on October 7 , G-ALNA has been painted in the black and red markings of Brooklands Aviation at Sywell for Ian Castle .
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