Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will not rest until the death has been avenged and the murderer punished , when it will fly to the Afterworld and inform the victim of his murderer 's fate .
2 Some protestors demonstrated against her Dresden visit ; wartime bitterness had earlier been aroused when the Queen Mother on May 31 unveiled a statue in London to Sir Arthur " Bomber " Harris , wartime head of Bomber Command , and when German plans were disclosed ( but subsequently cancelled ) to commemorate officially on Oct. 5 the 50th anniversary of the development of the V2 rocket technology on the island Oie off Peenemünde on the Baltic coast .
3 Now , that decision has been overturned although the appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case .
4 The first count of the declaration stated that the plaintiff had commenced action against the defendant in the Court of Exchequer to recover two sums of £700 and £1,300 , respectively , issue had been joined and the hearing was to take place on December 7 , 1844 ; that the defendant , on December 6 , 1844 , promised the plaintiff that , if he ( plaintiff ) would forbear prosecuting the proceedings until December 14 , the defendant would on that day pay the money with interest and costs ; that the plaintiff , relying on this promise , forbore prosecuting the action until the day named but that the defendant did not pay the money or costs .
5 The election of a mayor had been delayed since the resignation of a candidate originally elected on Feb. 9 ( an independent supported by the HDUR ) .
6 ‘ Gilding the lily ’ PLANS to rename Scarborough Technical College the Yorkshire Coast College of Further and Higher Education have been delayed while the Yorkshire Coast 's other colleges at Redcar and Bridlington are consulted by North Yorkshire County Council .
7 Although the military authorities soon vacated the school to move into Doncaster Racecourse across the road , the re-opening of the school had been delayed and the Christmas holidays had to be cut to make up for the loss of time .
8 Indeed , when the film came out in 1971 , it was preceded by a clever advertising campaign suggesting that release had been delayed because the makers felt the movie was too dangerous for general viewing .
9 The airport 's opening has been delayed because the island is subsiding .
10 PLANNING consent for a combined Elim church and community centre has been delayed until the applicants change the plans to improve the ‘ bland and unattractive appearance ’ of the scheme .
11 In the early stages of the planning of the New York show , it had been mooted that the pictures from the Russian , French and American institutions could be lent to each musem in turn .
12 Can I assist here ? the motion that has been mooted and the amendment has been proposed the amendment has been accepted the question now is whether what the the motion has been made and uh it is a matter for you to go to your suggested that certain members be allowed to speak at the end of the day it is a matter for you to decide uh control of the who is allowed to speak on that particular motion as amended of course
13 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
14 In the absence of formal evidence , this claim can not be checked , but it has always been recognized that the choice of Gloucester to head the government was an obvious possibility for the dying king .
15 In the absence of formal evidence , this claim can not be checked , but it has always been recognized that the choice of Gloucester to head the government was an obvious possibility for the dying king .
16 Going back to the early thoughts of the RHA on the matter in the mid-1970s , it had been recognized that the reduction in the hospital populations meant that there would be competition for any savings between the hospitals themselves and district services .
17 It had been repainted since the war , but , as far as she knew , it had never given forth music .
18 The lino on the floor was scuffed and torn , the windows nearly opaque with grime , and the walls looked as if they had never been repainted since the place was constructed .
19 The vision of Arthur Guinness had been realised and the foundations laid for the building of the international organisation that is now Guinness Brewing Worldwide .
20 We also reported that a pound of tea was 1/4d , a boy 's suit was ten bob , decorators were paid 8d an hour , the King of Greece had been assassinated and the MCC was discussing what to do in the case of rain affected matches .
21 A formal Iraqi undertaking not to interfere with helicopter inspections , issued to the UN Security Council on Sept. 24 , appeared subsequently to have been withdrawn after the government informed the Security Council on Sept. 26 that it would not endorse such inspections until further discussions with the UN-IAEA commission .
22 Foreign residents in Lhasa said later that many of China 's troops have been withdrawn and the security situation was more relaxed .
23 has been undertaken and the result analysed in the full report , the summary of which is produced as a
24 Indeed , they could have been altered if the Government had not wasted their bargaining power in attempts to defend the indefensible , attack the trivial and obtain the illusory .
25 Over the centuries , the stories have been altered until the boundaries of fact and fiction have been irrevocably obscured but it is wrong to be too quickly dismissive when judging the sources of nursery rhymes or other traditional tales .
26 By July 18th 1807 , 515 in-patients and 189 out-patients had been treated since the infirmary had been opened .
27 More than 450 eyes have so far been treated but the study is based on 79 patients with the longest experience of the treatment .
28 Last night , the acting convener , Tommy Gorman , said the workforce was disgusted at the way in which the 67 men who had been made redundant had been treated and the fact they would receive the minimum statutory payoffs .
29 A good deal of the extensive baths has been excavated and the city presents the tourist of today with perhaps the most splendidly restored of all Roman remains in Europe . ’
30 Carter openly admitted that his past faith in Russia had been misplaced and the critics of détente seemed vindicated .
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