Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 A hoard at Ardnave may have been hidden at the time of the Civil War , between 1638 and 1650 and certainly after 1640 .
2 Others were part of basic research on living tissue , and their benefits could not have been realised at the time .
3 What astonishes me is that the whole subject of injury from radiation seems to have been treated at the time with a casualness that approaches imbecility .
4 18.2 Any such notice shall be in the English language and shall be considered to have been given at the time when actually delivered , sent by telefax or telex or in any other event within 14 ( fourteen ) days after it was mailed in the manner hereinbefore provided .
5 So , inference : the picture had been painted at a time other than it appeared to have been , and had been painted by someone who " could not have been there " .
6 Traditionally the period of the Hundred Years War has been regarded as the time when the crown of France made great steps forward towards the achievement of a policy of centralisation begun under the Capetians some two centuries earlier .
7 Answer guide : In the former case an invoice for the goods or services supplied has been received whereas in the latter no invoice has been received at the time the accounts are drawn up therefore an estimate of the amount owing for the goods or services provided is made .
8 In Fig 36 an example is given of a holding pattern that has been completed in a time of 4 mins 28 secs .
9 In either case it is unlikely that all the legal formalities will have been completed in the time allowed for filing an appeal .
10 Protocols of accession to GATT were signed by Bolivia on Aug. 4 , 1989 , and by Costa Rica on Nov. 27 , 1989 ; accession ( as the 97th and 98th contracting parties ) was in each case to take place 30 days after ratification by the respective country 's legislature , which had not , however , been completed by the time of the 45th session of the GATT contracting parties held in Geneva , Switzerland , on Dec. 4-5 , 1989 .
11 Journalists who telephoned the divisional police were told bluntly that the men had not even been interviewed at the time the army spokesman had made his statement .
12 Old feuds have been forgotten for the time being .
13 ‘ I 'm sorry ’ , said the Christie 's receptionist , ‘ but the Sackler sale has been cancelled for the time being …
14 All talk of a referendum had been dropped by the time the Supreme Soviet came to vote on the programme .
15 However , taken overall the exercise had focussed attention on the problems associated with the filing systems of the two departments , and many of them had been alleviated by the time the study was completed , albeit using manual methods rather than technical solutions .
16 Although he was alleged to have made huge profits from drug trafficking , Noriega 's bank accounts had been frozen since the time of his arrest .
17 In Rockingham and Whittlewood they appear to have been discontinued after the time of Charles I , and in 1789 the Rt .
18 The totals had been disclosed at a time when local authorities and others were being subjected to curbs for alleged lack of efficiency .
19 Poland had been trapped in a time capsule , and try as it might to struggle free , the parameters of its political and spiritual life had been set firm for years to come by the humiliation of invisibility .
20 If the vessel is sold unrepaired then the measure of indemnity will be the depreciation in the sale price caused by the unrepaired damage , provided such depreciation would not exceed the reasonable cost of repairs if the vessel had been repaired at the time of loss .
21 ‘ I feel she and the others should have been hanged at the time and I feel the same now , ’ he said .
22 In some localities trouble had undoubtedly been expected at the time of the Bank Holiday , and it was reported in Lambeth police court that plainclothes men had been specially stationed for the purpose of dealing with cases of street ruffianism' .
23 The bell to announce the visiting hour had already been rung by the time they reached the hospital , and , after walking along corridors in the company of numerous people who carried flowers and parcels , they found themselves in a ward filled with beds and patients .
24 The italics are ours , and mark the parts which had been deleted by the time the twelfth edition was reached in 1954 ; the word trained was replaced by rightly guided .
25 The last atrocity had been claimed at the time by the Ulster Freedom Fighters with the explanation that it was in retaliation for a bomb which the Provisional IRA had exploded in an army bus in England seven days earlier , killing twelve men , women and children .
26 Most of her boyfriends have been collected at a time of crisis in their lives , lame ducks , my father calls them , who tend to move on when they have reorganised their existence , not wanting to be taken over .
27 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
28 The British Museum 's engraving of Derwentwater published by him in Manchester might have been done at the time of Yates ' map-making after West 's encouragement , but it is very poor .
29 In many respects you are only being asked to do what ought to have been done around the time of your last birthday .
30 It had , after all , been built at a time when the rooms were heated by coal fires tended by an army of minions and when a score of carefully composed hand-written minutes by the Department 's legendary eccentrics were adequate to control events which now required three divisions and a couple of under secretaries .
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