Example sentences of "[been] [adv] [vb pp] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 The term ‘ Personnel Management ’ has been widely used for 50 to 60 years to describe a range of activities , a body o& knowledge and a set of skills associated with the recruitment , administration and development of staff .
2 Instead , it appears to have been wholly ignored for 60 years until it was mentioned briefly by Gauze ( 1934 ) in his book The Struggle for Existence .
3 The Test has been delicately poised for four days , with fortunes swinging wildly .
4 He took her arm and led her to the dining room , where the gleaming long rectangular table had been impeccably set for two .
5 The date of the next reunion dinner has been provisionally fixed for 20 July 1991 .
6 I suppose , after all , I 've had it since ‘ 66 , so I 've been well known for 26 years , which is a long time , and I do n't get anything much out of it any more . ’
7 He had been fully retired for three years and happily occupied with reading and local committee work before Pat retired as home help supervisor for a London borough .
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