Example sentences of "[been] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He had been through hell in the course of duty ; he had made sacrifices that would be asked of no other human being .
2 And Salford-born Phelan , who has signed a five-year deal , admitted : ‘ My family and I have been through hell in the past couple of weeks and signing for City is such a relief .
3 Paul climbed the stairs in trepidation ; had he made some mistake in the corrections , blind with pain as he had been for part of the day ?
4 This shows that Anselm was quite as ready to face exile for the primacy as he had been for obedience to the pope .
5 He may have been off colour in the World Cup , but he had set a fine example to others .
6 Some of Ashiq 's shocked colleagues have been off work since the murder .
7 Anyway the workload gradually increased until I found I could n't continue any longer and have been off work for the last six months .
8 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
9 In addition , the ability to recognise and trace witnesses and the conditions under which police witnesses made observations might all have been of assistance to the defendants .
10 Similar selective pressures associated with foods from the second trophic level may also have been of importance in the later development of the hominids themselves
11 But we were surprised that not once during our visit were the words ‘ land reform ’ so much as mentioned , although what has happened there most certainly counts as this , and would have been of interest to the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development held by FAO in 1979 .
12 She had been like clay in the hands of a master craftsman , and the most unpalatable knowledge was that she had n't had the strength to resist that breathtaking attraction .
13 THOUSANDS of people will take to the streets of Glasgow tomorrow in support of the Albion axle factory , which has been under threat since the financial collapse of its Dutch parent company last month .
14 Consequently , an active programme of asset disposals has been under way over the last year in order to reduce the group 's high level of debt , which was the result of decisions to develop new oil and gas fields over the last few years , as well as the additional debt burden inherited following the acquisition of Ultramar .
15 The national debate concerning Canada 's constitutional future — particularly Quebec 's role within it — which had been under way since the collapse in June 1990 of the Meech Lake Accord [ see pp. 37519-20 ] , continued in June but showed some evidence of a greater willingness to compromise by both the separatist French minority and the English-speaking majority .
16 Lord James told the committee an extension of hours had been under consideration since the 1970s .
17 The partly suspended sentence of imprisonment had been omitted from the Bill which had passed through all its stages in the Lords , although it had been under consideration by the ACPS .
18 ‘ A particular blackspot was the port of Kaffa in the Crimea , which had been under siege by the Mongols .
19 On Jan. 8 the UN Interim Force in Lebanon ( UNIFIL ) announced that the village of Rashaf , situated on the edge of the zone , had been under siege by the SLA since late December .
20 The Brigade positions had been under attack for the past four days and Nos. 3 , 4 , 6 , and 45 Royal Marine Commando had been having their share of casualties .
21 President , Congress , since nineteen seventy nine local authorities and public services have been under attack from the Tory government .
22 From late May the formation of a " pluralist " government , with or without the resignation of Prime Minister Fatos Nano , had been under discussion in the People 's Assembly , and on June 12 a non-party " government of national stability " took office in preparation for a general election .
23 Copies of the transitional government 's broad economic programme , which had been under discussion by the Council of Representatives in October and November , became freely available to the public in early December .
24 A massive scheme for the Hong Shui River in Guanxi province has been under study since the 1950s .
25 The issue of conscription was a particularly tender one for the union , for it had for some time been under pressure from the Admiralty over breaches of the obligation of seamen , nominally enforced by the Board of Trade , that sailors should be on board their ships on time and hence not delay sailings .
26 In the First World War her village , Mavhinje , had been under fire in the Austro-Hungarian front line at the foot of the Hermada .
27 Maldom Bada had been under arrest since the alleged coup attempt of October 1991 [ see p. 38519 ] and his inclusion therefore signified his political rehabilitation .
28 We thought Jean might have been with Garry in the fire but there is no evidence to suggest that she is there now . ’
29 The Commission has been in existence for the same length of time as the Fair Employment Agency , since 1976 .
30 These will vary according to the weather and demand , but should include a visit to Wieliczka , famous for its salt miles which have been in existence since the 13th century .
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