Example sentences of "for yourself [art] " in BNC.

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1 That is the basis of the famous " niche " strategy which means that you secure for yourself a useful market by doing something which the big boys find uneconomical to do at the price you can manage .
2 To check you have grasped the idea of incidence , try drawing for yourself a market with a relatively elastic supply curve and a relatively inelastic demand curve .
3 Discover the answers as you experience for yourself the sights and sounds of their daily lives .
5 Experience for yourself the breathtaking live entertainment , featuring musical shows in Lazy Lil 's Saloon , plus all-action shoot-outs in Silver City and the dramatic Alamo Show at Mexicoland .
6 If you want to do this for yourself the following method is not quite so accurate , but will give you the general idea .
7 We want you to see for yourself the subtlety and awareness that can be wrought from the earth , to give style and grace to your everyday living .
8 At a consultation you will be able to assess for yourself the excellent facilities that we have been able to develop ( with the assistance of the Area Health Authority ) specifically for patients seeking improvement through cosmetic surgery .
9 Garden steps are not subject to the same regulations as those inside the house , so you have to decide for yourself the proportion of tread depth to rise which suits your site .
10 Students may attempt forced economies on diet or take up casual part-time employment to balance their budgets , but you will have to assess for yourself the degree to which these actions may detract from your physical well-being and ability to study ( see also Chapter 15 on fit for studying ) .
11 Be determined to define for yourself the exact meaning of words ( like " diplomacy " ) , especially when they are abstract ( like " influence " ) .
12 There is , however , plenty of help in the documentation and the QuickStart chapter guides you through creating your own first presentation and if you do not want to bother with typing in all the data for yourself the file for this presentation , QSTART , is available for inspection .
13 Should you decide to come here , I feel sure that you will discover for yourself the vibrant nature of the place .
14 Decide for yourself the best of the brace ; indeed the goal of the week .
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