Example sentences of "[been] [adj] [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Lynda , a former teacher who has worked as a deaconess in Ayrshire , Edinburgh and Fort William and whose most recent church appointment was a centre warden at Iona Abbey , had been due to take over the lease of Key House , next to Falkland Palace , in July but the property became vacant sooner than expected .
2 White and Wilson also comment : ‘ Within the case studies it has not been possible to examine closely the relationship ( if any exists ) between the use of information and personal or business effectiveness .
3 It has been possible to measure directly the forces that the cells generate during the formation of the neural tube .
4 Porter has undoubtedly had a considerable impact upon corporate strategic thinking , and in this brief discussion it has been possible to present only the barest outlines of his ideas developed in two sizable books .
5 I do n't think the theatre 's ever been endowed with a great deal of fundings but one or two companies in the town that have been prepared to fund obviously the one that strikes me is Gilbey 's cos the Gilbey bar I mean that was funded and like they 've been over the years they have given money even fact as a sad note cos Gilbey 's have actually demised now erm General Portfolio have actually taken on the role in Harlow of funding many things if you actually look all most things that have sponsored until recently have been sponsored by General Portfolio so they 've been to the fore in er fundering funding .
6 But the minister pointed out : ‘ The basic fact would seem to be that , the longer the campaign has gone on , fewer people have been prepared to take on the commitments and risks of being part-time soldiers . ’
7 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
8 Parliament , he said , had been careful to avoid even the appearance of countenancing such a doctrine .
9 Willie Carson will also resting easy after suggestions that he had been wrong to bring about the withdrawal of the red-hot favourite , Superoo , before the start of Ascot 's opening event on Saturday , having done a similar thing with the favourite , Red Paddy , before the Royal Hunt Cup .
10 When pouring , it had been impossible to line up the bottles with the glasses , no matter how close she held the neck of a bottle to the rim of a glass .
11 But despite their limitations , circulation measures can provide librarians with a good deal of valuable information for the assessment of stock and user needs , and the promoters of automated circulation systems have been quick to point out the facilities such systems offer for a closer analysis of detail .
12 Manufacturers have been quick to point out the drink 's advantages over ordinary milk : it contains no cholesterol , has a low fat content and is high in alkali .
13 Feminists have always been quick to point out the double standards which operate at virtually every level of discourse .
14 Proponents of the view that Keynesian stabilization policies are futile have been quick to point out the key role that wage and price rigidity play in justifying such policies , and the need for advocates of such policies to provide some theory of why prices should be rigid in the way they claim they are .
15 Sociologists have been quick to point out the obvious absurdity of this — without , of course , seeing the nonsensicality of their own position — and have rightly observed that no one is born into a vacuum , that cultures and the individuals within them vary , and that individual psychology is powerfully influenced by traditional and cultural factors of which a purely individualistic approach can not take account .
16 The Sanpro industry as a whole has been quick to wheel out the public relations machinery , and they 've gone to great lengths to reassure women that there really is n't any danger at all .
17 Cutting large areas of privet was accomplished , by ut the larger cutting sweeps of the 523H would have been welcome to speed up the task .
18 Considering Renault 's pioneering work in turbocharging for both road and track , it comes as little surprise that the power delivery is so smooth and strong though even Renault engineers have been unable to iron out the last fraction of a second of lag between the throttle being floored and the turbo-pressure rising .
19 The fact was that , since the ancient and mysterious spell had squatted in his mind , he had been unable to remember even the simplest cantrap for , say , killing cockroaches or scratching the small of his back without using his hands .
20 In the present case the plaintiffs have been unable to suggest why the defendant should lose his home as well as his brother by reason of the death of his brother .
21 Their Lordships are both surprised and disappointed that , right up to the time when this appeal was heard by the Board , no information has been forthcoming to explain how the addendum came into existence and came to be typed , or whether this further statement was sought by the investigating authority or volunteered by the witness .
22 Landowner John Davies has been happy to keep up the tradition .
23 Most social historians have tended to stick with Raymond Williams 's argument and have been reluctant to give up the notion that what was most lively and energetic in all that variety came from the working class .
24 Nor have official bodies been able to ward off the most sinister threat .
25 He felt he had the upper hand for once , and they had n't been able to set up the Microwave Gun yet , either ; he felt cool and relaxed .
26 Those leaders have tried to keep their empires isolated from the Darwinian laws of survival , despite the fact that none of the ‘ gods ’ as presented by them has ever been able to set aside the inexorable operation of those laws .
27 Feeling pleased for them , I lowered the binoculars through which I 'd been able to see even the tears on Mrs Unwin 's cheeks , and there below me and in front of the grandstand was the man with the gaunt face looking up towards the Clubhouse windows .
28 Mr Fallon was told some forces in previous years have not been able to take up the extra posts , which have then been redistributed to other places .
29 I remember that morning vividly as I was so nervous and had n't been able to sleep much the night before .
30 Although badly injured with four bullets inside him , PC Kelly had been able to call up the SOS code number , ‘ ten nine , ten nine ’ .
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