Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 The other member , who might have been expected to buy it for his own son , a young man recently qualified in law , did not at first do so ; he said business was unreliable , there were not enough clients , the reputation of the firm had been allowed to run down .
2 The popularity of Taylor 's devotional books , his sufferings for the Church , his piety , engaging manner , and contacts in influential Royalist circles might have been expected to qualify him for high preferment in the restored Church in 1660 .
3 The film we 're going to see is Flatliners , and Denice tells us she 's been dying to see it for ages .
4 Mr Fitzwater reiterated President Bush 's denial earlier in the day that the United States , which has indicted General Noriega on drug trafficking charges and has been seeking to oust him for nearly two years , had initiated the revolt .
5 ‘ I 've been wanting to do it for years . ’
6 ‘ I do n't mind admitting I 've been wanting to meet you for some time . ’
7 ‘ I 've been wanting to tell you for ages , but I could n't while you were so worried .
8 But I ca n't help feeling that this is strictly a US product and that no attempt has been made to localize it for UK or European markets .
9 Scorton does have a playing field , but this is administered by the Parish Council and no application has been made to use it for a finishing point .
10 Betty 's other criticism of the scheme is that she has been told to use it for individualised learning and she does not believe that the children learn properly this way .
11 ‘ I have been waiting to pick him for some time but our form was not good and it was not easy on Dion living in hotels .
12 The $420m a year that America has been getting to compensate it for the loss in sales of farm products to Spain and Portugal after they joined the Community was due to run out in 1990 .
13 I certainly have not met another Brother or Sister Brush that has been compelled to study it for weeks on end …
14 He has already been asked to join them for a 60-date tour next year .
15 She remembered how she had n't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib .
16 Gusev deduced that Volkov was in love with a woman who 'd been sent to entrap him for political purposes , so Gusev deduced .
17 ‘ We 've been trying to wake him for half an hour , ’ said Fritz .
18 I 've been trying to find you for ages . ’
19 I 've been trying to get you for ages but your line 's been engaged . ’
20 They had been trying to contact her for several days .
21 But for that old lady , I had been ordered to do her for the fire .
22 I 'd been meaning to do it for days and I keep asking myself whether it was my fault her killer got in . ’
23 Well as you waved your hand through the air I saw that ring there you see and I thought … ah I know what I 've been meaning to ask her for ages .
24 ‘ Well , I 've been meaning to tell you for ages .
25 Alarmed by her vehemence , Nicky replied , ‘ I 've been meaning to tell you for ages .
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