Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [prep] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 I recently read an assessment report which stated , ‘ Her mother seems to have disappeared and has n't been heard of for six months .
2 ( See also Sunley ( 1990 ) , and note that Griffin does not accept the above interpretation , but rather prefers one which sees the Nottinghamshire miners as determined to avoid splits within the union , which would have been the case if the rule-book , specifically Rule 43 — p. 107 — had been adhered to in 1984 . )
3 It has been open to the public since 1787 thanks to the efforts of Count Kinský , although its collections have not been added to since 1721 .
4 Focusing then on how the new money has been spent , and this is covered in paragraph seven and eight of the report the thirty five thousand pounds conditional resources for Policy Resources Committee has been added to by six thousand seven hundred which er savings from existing budgets within the committee so there 's a total of forty one thousand seven hundred to er each new developments or er or other pressures within the committee and the items that you see before you here have been discussed between the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of this committee er County Planning Officer and Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Policy Resources Committee , so it 's these sorts of discussions that these items have arisen in front of you .
5 What would I have done , I would have asked her to er get out of the bed , walk towards me and come out into the hall way where she could have been looked after by one of the other officers , and al allow me to get on with my main task in hand .
6 ‘ Oh , 'ave you been done down by one , Joe ? ’
7 An older discovery that has become significant is the taxon ‘ Proconsul ( Xenopithecus ) hamiltoni ’ described for a maxilla fragment from Lothidok Hill in northern Kenya , because the Eragaleit beds from which this fossil came ( together with some additional undescribed specimens ) have recently been dated at between 24.3 and 27.5Myr .
8 Er I do n't know when that was built , it might not have been built but it er it 's Victorian so it could have been built like in eighteen thirty soon fa certainly soon after eighteen thirty that would have been built .
9 They had been sentenced to between five and 14 years ' imprisonment on the basis of forensic evidence from hand swabs indicating that they had handled nitroglycerine .
10 The seven had been sentenced to between five and 14 years ' imprisonment on the basis of forensic evidence from hand swabs indicating they had handled nitroglycerine .
11 The findings from this study are based on responses from 300 people ( 177 women and 123 men ) , 100 of whom have also been interviewed ; this group has been disabled for between 20 and 80 years ( Zarb , 1991b ; Zarb and Oliver , 1991 , 1992 ) .
12 I 've been waiting for on one .
13 Although a form of peace had been agreed upon on 28 May 1258 , it was not until 4 December 1259 that Eleanor de Montfort actually accepted the renunciations and agreed that she would not revive her claims to her French lands .
14 At the centre , community care has been talked of for thirty years and in few areas can the gap between political rhetoric and policy on the one hand , or between policy and reality in the field on the other hand , have been so great .
15 This refers to the number of knots that have been tied per in 2 of pile .
16 The loss on sale was £22 million , which had been provided for in 1991 .
17 If he 's been travelling for for zero hours , how far has he gone ?
18 This can be confusing ; it would have been nice if each topic could have been dealt with in one place only .
19 Performance itself soon established norms which by 1950 were higher than had been hoped for in 1945 ; and then , as European recovery got underway , the standard became even more precise and , for Britain , more formidable .
20 Brightest spot : the final , disgraceful death of the opinion poll industry , which I have been campaigning for since 1983 .
21 This is something that the G M B have been campaigning for since nineteen ninety .
22 British restaurant cooking had been despaired of after fifteen years of siege conditions until the counter-attack of The Good Food Guide , founded in 1951 by Raymond Postgate , a pioneering bon vivant , and compiled by himself , his friends and any members of the public who could be bothered to write in with their recommendations ( one who did was a lion tamer ) .
23 At the time of the Arab invasion in 639 the population has been estimated at between 20 and 30 million , but when Napoleon invaded the decaying Ottoman Egypt in 1798 it had been reduced to some two and a half million .
24 Their army has been estimated at between 6000 and 8000 men — a huge number for the time .
25 That 's what they 'd been fighting for for twenty years .
26 Well I asked him was he alright and he said aye , and then I fell asleep , I 've been sleeping from after eight twenty past eight .
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