Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having set the Duchy on the road to providing an income for the Prince of Wales , the next task had been to find him a house and , of all those short-listed in the summer of 1980 , Charles chose Highgrove .
2 He had been told what the writer wrote about the regime and the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
3 He says that the message from those giving evidence was that they should have been told what the situation was — that terreorist were known to be active in the region .
4 Charity 's mind , that formidable intellect that had been governing her every action for years , reminded her of the crush of student loans she had to pay .
5 They 've been calling me a baboon and shit .
6 Off in the distance on the back lawns fires had been lit which the audience were moshing around .
7 For the US or Britain to have been the first to recognize Bao Dai would , said Acheson , have been to give him the kiss of death .
8 The students , both in this series of interviews , and in another pre-structured evaluation interview , said that the main advantage of the course in information retrieval had been to give them an overall , systematic view of scientific information flow , which helped them to understand how to look for the information they required :
9 I had been doing you an injustice ; but I am going to make a will leaving you all I have .
10 I 've got two thirds of back and I 've been doing it a month .
11 Floy , who had been cutting himself a slice of ham , looked up , because there was a lick of anticipatory pleasure in Goibniu 's tone .
12 But I see there 's blood sausage , ’ he said , and sent them such a terrible leery grin , that Snodgrass , who had been cutting himself a slice from this , which he had innocently thought was something like the spicy Renascian liver-and-wine-roll , recoiled and snatched his hand back as if he had been burnt .
13 She got a , I think she got a bit of a shock you know she actually probably thought she was better than she was and a lot of people had been giving her a lot of pats on the back and I tell you where half of that emanated from was down the corridor .
14 ‘ Geoff has been giving me a lot of help , having a look at my action and making a few minor adjustments .
15 One might have hoped for silence from Diana Mosley but now she has been giving us the benefit of her experience on the subject of sexual politics : ‘ There are quite as many henpecked husbands in the world as there are battered wives , something feminists fail to notice . ’
16 ‘ I 've been giving it a lot of thought , ’ he says slowly , chewing on the pipe , and smoothing the glossy black hair above the drooping face .
17 ‘ No , but I 've been giving it a lot of thought , and it seems to me that the person who fits the bill is … ’
18 But er , I was giving this er I 'd been giving it a stroke , and er it 's sort of dying to be fussed , but I do n't think they give it any attention across there .
19 yes yes I 've been consulting him a bit about my Romans project
20 Zambia has been telling me a lot , you know . ’
21 You know , he thought I 'd been telling him a lie .
22 As the days passed I might have been telling him the truth , for I lost weight far more successfully than on any diet I have ever attempted .
23 The Maxteds have been telling us a lot about you . ’
24 the old boys have been telling us the stories and it 's brought a tear to the eye
25 Our own expert Mandy Johnson has been telling you the wisdom of physiotherapy for many , many months and will continue for some time to come .
26 Been bothering me a bit has that .
27 Well I 'd like to say that it 's not only adults who have an interest in this subject and have been watching what the county council is going to do about it .
28 Mary Heilman has lately been setting herself the task of uniting the eccentric spaces resulting from what appear to be the merging of two or more rectangular canvases .
29 I 've been promising myself a drink for the last couple of hours … ’
30 In fact she 'd been repeating them every mile or so .
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